Rant about GP's and the NHS!

Saddlebag said:
I've never had a problem with my GP- to be honest I'd always follow my doctor's advice over someone's advice on a forum, whether they're male or female.

Me too to be honest but for something like the pill I'm taking no chances. Specially when I found out today I'm the only non pregnant female on my side of the apartment block I stay in lol
Yeah deffinately can't be too careful when it comes to contraception!!

My BMI is now overweight so can get my breast reduction referral on the go :) Hurrah!
Hehe I've started a debate! Woop! :D I think all points made are true! BMI should be scraped and bothered by the numbers cos like I said it effects everything they can prescribe you tbh I'm gunna just tell my gp straight! I'm butch! Get over it lmao :D and ye I don't go to male GP's anymore I've experienced and heard appalling things!
I don't think it's a case of male doctors are bad at women's health and female doctors are good, it's good doctors and bad doctors!
I had problems with my periods and was fobbed off by my GP (female). I had been bleeding for a month and went to see her, she told me to keep taking my contraceptive pill and it would stop. At times I was in agony. I sat there in tears because it was getting me down and she just said "what's the matter?" and gave an impatient sigh. I felt silly. I went back 2 weeks later, still bleeding, and she said that she would do a smear but it would have to wait until I'd finished bleeding. I told her I thought something was wrong but she sent me away.
I wasn't happy as I hardly ever go to the doctor as I don't like wasting their time. But felt that something wasn't right- 5 days was normal for me, not 6 weeks. I decided to book an appointment with another GP (male).
I saw him and he was shocked that nothing had been done. He said "this has gone on far too long, it must be really affecting you" and I breathed a sigh of relief. He got me an ultrasound scan the next day and an appointment to see him again a couple of days after that.
As a result of that everything went smoothly afterwards and he got me the referrals etc to make me better.
Which is why I do not believe it's a male/ female thing. Doctors study for a long time, they work very hard and under a lot of pressure and stress. But like every profession, there will be lazy people and those with poor people skills. Both males and females!
Fair point hun! It was a female anesthologist who almost killed me! And a female consultant who refused a c-section even tho my waters had been broken for 4 days and in induced labour four days! I'll always remember her face! I'm suing them all! Haha XD
I saw a male doctor when in my teens as I had knee pain. He had me stood there in my pants to have a look at how I was standing... "You've got child-bearing hips. They're giving you bandy knees." :8855:
He did follow that up by saying that they would straighten out as I stopped growing, but my mother thought it was the funniest diagnosis she'd ever heard!
Lmao what an idiot! My knees bow backwards it can be from hyper mobility or been double jointed! And my friend had bow legs and it just made here look super skinny and athletic! Haha how are your knees now? But my god! Forbid a young woman to have hips that allow child birth! How unusual! Lol he probz printed off his degree! Pah!
They are fine now thank you, they used to point inwards but lots of exercise as a teen and just growing up I suppose has made them good and straight now!
Yep :) most things sort themselves out in time :)
Yes besides BMI how about make annual health check ups and health tests? such as measurements, how you cope with running/walking on a treadmill, do you excercise? do you have alot of lean body mass? it's time to move on from BMI i think as a nation...

Waist measurements are used for some things like cardiovascular risk already.
People over 40 not on disease registers all ready are invited to have health checks that look at CV risk - but people need to want to have them done or be open to the idea if they're invited when they go to their doctors for something else.
With the treadmill tests - how do you decide what 'normal' & does it change by sex or by age..? What about people with other comorbidities who aren't able to run/walk..?

I don't think there are many doctors out there who don't realize the limitations of BMI (!) & I don't think being unhappy with your number is an 'unfair' thing really, it's just fact... it's like me thinking my age now is increasingly unfair. :p I suppose for things where there is a threshold is someone thinks BMI is less applicable in their situation then they should be able to make an 'exceptional case' - even in NHS Rules there's normally space for an exceptional case plea.

and im already on the mini pill :) it was just a shock when at a size 14/16 i was too "heavy" to go on Mycrocogen 30, it was the pill i used before, goodness me its like they think im going to develop DVT and keel over with my shear obesity! ¬.¬

Nah - probably not keel over straight away ;) but it's a Q of risk & when there are alternatives available I think quite a few doctors would take a similar stance... especially if any other risk factors - smoker, migraines, over 35, history of blood clots, family history etc.
I'm 20, I don't smoke, and I have no family history of any CVD or blood clots, I know waist circumference is used to asses CVD risk.... And the fact I work out 6 times a week and bust my arse to fit in a size 10 and then be told I'm over weight is annoying the number can effect you mentally, pregnancy saved my life because I started eating to make sure my baby was ok I was anorexic for two years and a size 8 sometimes a 0 in dresses and leggings, I still thought I was fat, I threw up if I ate more than 300 cals a day I have an A grade A level in biology so I know what was happening to me, I put on weight rapidly during pregnancy, hence my current weight, I was happier with an eating disorder, and guess what? Telling a 16 year old girl who is a size 10/12 she's obese when she already works out like mad triggers eating disorders, it was evident I was healthy as a horse, it's ignorance to do this, when I become a doctor I will never tell someone there fat if there not! And as for people in wheelchairs I was in a wheelchair for 6 months, and I knew I was fat, most people with disabilities have low lean mass anyway so BMI shouldn't be a problem, I should know as I lost 2 stone of muscle, I was a size 22 at 14 stone in my chair, now I'm 4lb lighter and almost 5 dress sizes smaller and I can walk again, and as for a national average assessment for exercise it's already been established at your age bracket since the heart becomes weaker the older we get, if your 20 you should be able to maintain a conversation whilst your heart rate is 160 bpm :) simple.
Also you can't change your age you can change your health! Sadly :( lol
When I got down to 9st 11lb a few years ago people were telling me I didn't need to lose anymore weight and that I was looking a thin in the face (I guess I did since they were used to me being nearly 13 stone). At that weight I could fit into size 10-12 clothes, which in my opinion does not sound like an overweight/fat person! but my BMI was 25.5 which is in the overweight range. I would never want to be any smaller than a size 10, to be totally honest a size 12 seems plenty small enough for me.
I have a bigger goal than in my stats on here of 10st 7lb and when I was at that weight before I was about a size 14. So my BMI will be over 26. I may change my mind and try and get down to 10 stone but right now 10st 7lb is my goal. So basically, I don't think I'll ever be in the 'healthy weight' range!

When my mum weighed 10st 7lb her doctor refused to give her the pill because she said she was overweight.
With any of these things it's a range and the hard cut off limits are there fir categorisation but don't mean much. Someone with a bmi of 25 isn't particularly more healthy compared to the same person with a bmi of 25.5 - but the line has to ve drawn somewhere. The same problem occurs with waist/hip ratio or body fat percentage for example.
Its not just doctors. Me and my partner were refused as foster parents because I am over weight saying that the "stress" of looking after challenging children could give me a heart attack (ignoring the fact that my blood pressure etc were perfect and I am actually fit and healthy excluding the extra weight)
It's disgusting! They refuse adoption to most people even skin color! It's changing now tho do fingers crossed you can get accepted! But my god there are mothers out there who look after there children who are massive! It's just shocking! Its like then taking your kid off you of u get fat whilst pregnant! It's hard not to go over BMI whilst pregnant I was 16st at the back end, did I have a heart attack? Nope! Lol bloody idiots! Good luck with your adoption plans and I'd write to your local MP they might help you with an appeal :) x