I know. thats really put me off. I have seen a recipe with a hardboiled egg and some fromage frais instead of mayo? I might just make my own dressings with red wine vinegar and some chilli
by the way, if anyone is brave enough to try the Dukan mayonaise with paraffin oil, it mustn't EVER be heated up... and the oil mustn't be used as cooking oil and heated. It becomes toxic when heated.
Well, just finished my 3rd week on Dukan. Have lost about 7 lbs. Not as quickly as some but it's a half stone less than I would have lost if I hadn't started it And I haven't been a complete saint (a couple of vodkas at the weekend) Apart from that Not finding it difficult and never hungry. The only drawback in my view is the amount of daily preparation, especially on PP days so I must start cooking several days in advance and make large quantities and freeze. I seem to spend most of my evenings after a hard day at work, slaving over the cooker
I have just done 3 days PV and today am starting 3 days PP :-( Usually do 1/1 but due to bank holiday and husband and kids off it was easier option so I could have a meal out with them etc.
Hope everyone doing well
Well done Jaxie. Its not just half a stone its a whopping 7 whole big lbs. You should be really please with yourself. Thats great hun, keep up the work.
I just started yesterday so atm on attack. I did quite a bit of cooking yesterday to get things organised. After doing Atkins it isnt much different for me on the cooking front though. Maybe have a cooking day at the weekend and get plenty in the freezer?
Thanx!! I am happy with it as I had been struggling to stay on track with WW without success. I did stick at the same weight last week though for quite a few days and was about to give in but then had a sudden 2.5lbs drop overnight. Very strange but great to see!!
I do like this way of eating. My IBS has improved dramatically which is always a bonus
Precisely. So, for someone like me who yoyos... many say I'd be better having SOME than NONE... to avoid continuing doing the same for the rest of my life...
Im exactly the same. When we get to 3rd phase we start adding toast etc in anyway dont we? so we can get there, not like atkins where you still have to count carbs every day?
If i really think about it im not missing them either. I know they taste good and sometimes think i want "it" but then i think of how rough id feel and of the weight gain and the thought leaves my head.
Still want some Galaxy chocolate Saying that, I had one on Saturday and didn't really enjoy it - I ate it all though, it would have been a shame to throw it away!