Raz's brand spanking new start!


Ah I just love the fresh start of a new diary. I already feel at ease on this forum (despite only joining about 5 mins ago :eek:)

It's about time I stopped making up excuses and justifying reasons to not stick to diets. For the past few years I've been in a big cycle of self hatred, indulging myself in obsession behaviours of over exercising, laxatives, bulimia, etc. I can finally see my goals clearly and want to reach them in a happy and supportive way. I finally feel at ease with just a normal healthy diet. I now realise I don't need to be at extremes...either not eating...or eating till I burst. I know it's going to be hard, but nothing worth having is easy is it?
(argh do you all think im crazy now?)

I brought a new dress today for my work Christmas party and I actually liked what I saw in the mirror. Yes, I can do with losing a few pounds and toning up, but I'm happy to do that. I didn't feel ashamed.

You just know when you feel ready to ''diet'' don't you?

So here I am. Raz. Here to get healthy and be the person I want to be.


weight today - 136lbs
Hi Razzle and welcome to minimins :D good luck on your weight loss journey!
Good luck, I look forward to reading your diary for inspiration.

Pink x