Re-starter. Day 3.


I did S&S last year with not much success.

Afterwards I dwindled on WW and lost about 6lbs but I found it too slow and tempting to use my points for the wrong things.

I decided to go back on S&S and am on morning of day 3,

I only bought a weeks worth because I didn't want to feel pressured, but its going well.

Been 100%,

Am feeling really hungry today, had 500ml bottle of water and a strawb shake but my bellies rumbling terribly but I know I just gotta get through it.

Hey and welcome :) well done on gettin to day 3!

Do u like coke zero? It's a life saver when ur feeling hungry xxx

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I'm re-starting for the 100th time. Today is Day 1 for me. From previous experience I find that if I can get to Day 3 I'm pretty much there & would be less inclined to break the diet.

Congratulations to making it to Day 3!!
Thanks, yes I have a few bottles of coke zero here ready!

I planned oon doing 4 packs but i really enjoyed some chicken and broccoli yesterday,

I've never got past a week! tried 3 times now!
Best advise I can give you is you have that meal for defo. Get to a week and you will be laughing all the way off those scales.
If you've not been able to get past a week, how about you come at it with a different approach this time? Maybe have 4 packs and the protein meal for a week, then work down to either 4 packs or 3 and the protein meal. That way you've got a bit more than normal, might feel a bit easier and you should still be in ketosis that way.