Day 10, 100% TS.......get in!!!
Feeling so good about this diet, soooo glad I decided to do it again.
Been a bit moody today, just family stuff really. I've got 4 sisters, 1 of them we don't speak to (whole other story!) and the other 3 live in the area. I've always tried to keep us close and try to stay in contact, but they just ain't interested. Don't get me wrong, if I needed them, they would be there. I just wish I wasn't the one always doing the texting, ringing etc.
I suppose as you get older, you sort of drift apart and go own different paths in life. I should be happy really, we are all happy and healthy, and that's a lot more than others I know.
Ok, no more feeling down about something that really, is just a thing of life.
Ahhh, that's better, I cant believe I've never done a diary before! I can write down how I feel without boring my friends to death, lol! Sorry guys, your gonna have to put up with my **** from now on
Hope you guys are all doing ok, especially the ones having a rough time of it. I'm only 28, but I know how it feels when bad things go down and you can't see the light at the end. It's there, just be patient and allow yourself time.
Much love...peace xxx