Ready to make a change!!!

Although..... i think i'm losing quite a bit of hair!!! : /

I know how you feel, mine is still coming out thick and fast having said that no one else would know to look at it, you just don't want to see my plug hole (and no thats not a euphemism lol) I have it on good authority that despite what it feels like sometimes, you will NOT go bald and it WILL grow back failing that, there is always this.... lol


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    cat in a wig.jpeg
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Ooooh how cute is that!!! I'm quite lucky I guess that I think along the lines'll grow back!!! To me its a reasonable sacrifice to make!!! Know what u mean about the dodgy looking plug hole!!! Lol!!!
Me too i just think its unfair that while the hair on my head seems to be suffering the hair on my legs is just fine lol
Its beautiful Deezer and while we are on the subject of beautiful things look at your collar bones all poking out !! Fabulous x
Hey im new to this im on week one (officially as i gave in to a roast dinner sunday)
so fresh start yesterday - current weight 16st target to lose 3 st....
any help would be great :)
Hurrah!!! Its finished!!!!


Owwwwwwwww!!! Lol...

A work of art u are girl! And quite soon ALL of you will be!! ;)
Also digging those sexy collar bones too!!

x S
Yep - the collar bones are definitely on a wow-factor par with the tat! Yay...
Hurrah!!! Its finished!!!!


Owwwwwwwww!!! Lol...

Wow! That looks fab:D and yes....the collar bones look terrific!

Hey im new to this im on week one (officially as i gave in to a roast dinner sunday)
so fresh start yesterday - current weight 16st target to lose 3 st....
any help would be great :)

Welcome Siani! :D
And might I just add Dee, you have BEAUTIFUL skin! So creamy! You lucky duck xx
Dear Lipotrim gods....

Please let me get below 240lbs.... I was 240.5 this morning!! I NEED to see 238!!! When i hit 238 i officially weigh the least i have weighed for about 3 years!!!! I seem to hover at this weight and then go back up again!!!!

Well not this time!!!!

I promise to be good!!!

ArghHHHH the same again this morning!!! 240.5 lol....

Yes i am a serial weigher.... Lol.... Tomorrows the weigh day... *Fingers crossed*
Stop it right now!!! Just wait til your official weigh in Hun... You will drive yourself scatty!!! Haha! Xx