Ready to make a change!!!

Good luck for tomorrow hun xxx
Awww well done hun,really pleased for you and proud of you with the stresses you've had.You're doing fab xxxx
-5lb...... YAY!!!

Xmas party pounds plus 3 off!!!

Those numbers are rolling down again!!! : )


Well done sweetie! Sooooooo pleased for you :D

You really have got this healthy eating thing nailed! ......and more importantly you haven't turned to food despite all the stress!

Be proud honey.....VERY proud!

Hey deezer u are brill . Well done just a quick question . Do u ever eat anything bad for u at all . A lil treat at all foodwise
Thank you all....

I seem to have it sussed.... Its just the sticking to it isn't it!!! I'm having a super good day today.... And running in the morning so my treat has been new shoes!!!! : )

This is how it should be.... Not food being my crutch!!!

Not so long ago i would have had a bottle of wine a night at the min with the stress and a takeaway and treats and it would go on!!!

Something in my head has clicked!!!

So glad it has....

I may see those size 12's yet!!!!
Hey deezer u are brill . Well done just a quick question . Do u ever eat anything bad for u at all . A lil treat at all foodwise


In the past few weeks i have had curry/ben and jerrys/pizza...

To name a few!!! But it is once a week... Or i am super good all week and have an extra run and have a 'treat night'

I reason with myself now.... If i'm going out to eat i'll have just a main and a glass of wine.... Or just a main and a dessert but no wine!!

I have realised i can't have everything i want ALL the time!!!

The big one for me has definately been the lack of carb heavy foods.... Which in turn leads to if i have pizza..... i can literally eat 4 slices....

Another thing is i throw stuff away now.... I don't make myself eat it as 'its one of my favourites' or 'it was expensive' or 'must finish all on my plate' I recognise when i'm full now and stop....

I am good all week, never snack between meals other than maybe a bit of fruit.... And then i'll pick 1 evening or afternoon and thats my treat to myself!!!

: )
:bighug:Ur awesome Dee..Fair play...true inspiration and a real life success story x Proud of you...but not as proud as you should be of yourself sweety x
Brilliant Dee!

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Brilliant Dee!

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Dee u really are amazing . Nd i know wat ur sayin . Go u . Keep up the brill work x
peach pip said:
Oh yes they will be mine! Haha! X

And mine! :D

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Thank you all....

I seem to have it sussed.... Its just the sticking to it isn't it!!! I'm having a super good day today.... And running in the morning so my treat has been new shoes!!!! : )

This is how it should be.... Not food being my crutch!!!

Not so long ago i would have had a bottle of wine a night at the min with the stress and a takeaway and treats and it would go on!!!

Something in my head has clicked!!!

So glad it has....

I may see those size 12's yet!!!!

Everything in moderation as my Gran would have said :D

You will be a 12 my love....nothing surer!

Just hope I can follow your example when I re-take full control of my eating. I step up to 1000 calories on Tuesday and lose one of my CD meal replacements; I'm a wee bit scared! :confused:
