serial dieter!!!
Hi all, the thread on diet coke had helped put a tiny smile on my mush! But im really struggling today, ive been to a kids party surrounded by food and asults all drinking, having a great time! I felt miserable and very short tempered!
Im so pleased that i didnt crave in but now even at home i cant shift the mood, yet the temptation has gone! I know theres good days and tough and fortunately mine have been mainly good, however TOTM is due so im wondering if thats why i feel like i want to rip someones head off!
Its definitely much harder at the weekends for me than through the week :cry::cry::cry:
Im so pleased that i didnt crave in but now even at home i cant shift the mood, yet the temptation has gone! I know theres good days and tough and fortunately mine have been mainly good, however TOTM is due so im wondering if thats why i feel like i want to rip someones head off!
Its definitely much harder at the weekends for me than through the week :cry::cry::cry: