Really struggling


serial dieter!!!
Hi all, the thread on diet coke had helped put a tiny smile on my mush! But im really struggling today, ive been to a kids party surrounded by food and asults all drinking, having a great time! I felt miserable and very short tempered! :(

Im so pleased :D that i didnt crave in but now even at home i cant shift the mood, yet the temptation has gone! I know theres good days and tough and fortunately mine have been mainly good, however TOTM is due so im wondering if thats why i feel like i want to rip someones head off!

Its definitely much harder at the weekends for me than through the week :cry::cry::cry:
aaaaaaaawww i can totaly sympathise with you. weekends are POO!!!!!!! well done tho on not caving. IT TAKES ALOT. i had the exact same say as your having yesterday. have a hot bath and early night. tomorrow is a new day.

have a diet coke tonight in a wine glass..... i do, sounds crazy but just makes my alcoholism easier :) lol

we're all here, all go thru the same, so rant and vent as much as you like chick. HUGS, LOADS OF EM xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Awww Helen thank you for that my OH just doesnt get it, he just keeps complaining about my breath but i try everything i carry mini mouthwash, toothbrush and paste with breath strips im obsessed with my breath yet he still moans! i could kick him at times, not that i would! lol, well done you for getting through it yesterday. I am going to invest in some coke zero, im sat here now smelling sausages and mash thats the OH is making for the kids so i need to get out of the house! shop here i come, coke zero in a wine glass is the way forward what a fab idea! thank you big hugs xxxxxx
Just to say I had a very hard day too today hungry all day nearly gave in this evening but went up trying on clothes to remind me why I'm doing it ! Needless to say I didn't break it after the third pair of jeans looking too tight ! But still starving !