Realy bizarre question and poss TMI

Well Done on asking!!!!

This is the funniest thread ever!!!!

Maybe we could start a new catergory for Most Funniest Thread!!!!

Nas x
pmsl in work reading this thread!:rotflmao: seriously :D

Brilliant ... instant rep points coming your way :vibes:

Its so funny... ive never .. er... tried this.. delicacy myself but the boyf is always telling me how good it is for you! :rolleyes:
you can't have any. Too many carbs and citric acid.
According to my husband!! the citric acid is part of the sperm not the spunk, it is used to penetrate the eggs barrier for fertilization so when you get a mouthful it makes no difference and according to my husband you definitely wont come out of ketosis.....bugger thought i had an excuse then...that man has an answer for everything lol
I have to say my colleague (male) and I have been absolutely weeing ourselves with laughter at this (not difficult when you drink as much water as we do). Thank you sooooooo much for brightening the day!
now all we need is a thread of excuses.....

Not tonight dear I have a headache....

Can't swallow, too much citric acid (forget to mention the sperm bit.)
Well i aint getting away with nothing lol
lmfao - aww this has made me laugh so much. I'm gonna try telling OH tonight my new excuse, I shall update on how it goes
LOL at the gettiing it in your eye comment .... perhaps one should wear goggles for Health & Safety reasons.

That might put a dampener on proceedings if your OH is not into welder's goggles :eek:. Pretend you are Bob the Builder to add a little spice.
ROFL!! This made me roll with Laughter!!! God lord I hadn't even thought about it for a moment....just goes to show what you put in your mouth without realising!!!
Well, "it" works as a face lift thingy if you put it round your eyes under foundation. Calories? I don't know, sorry.
And to all complain about gagging on soups and porridge!
