
Not a good day, blown all my nocarbing out the window at the cinema. Ben and Jerry are bad men. As was Georgia's popcorn. I'm off to the gym to rehabilitate and do my penance....
Oh Georgia's Mum I was just thinking that sounded like quite a good way of getting back into SS until you were attacked by Ben & Jerry's :whoopass: Right, back to it tomorrow ok? :hug99:
DQ -- i believe i join u in recommiting...and chill out 4 vacation...relax and enjoy...
Been to the gym. feel MUCH better. Am going to Legs,Bums and Tums tomorrow. Will banish Ben and his mate to bad places. I will do it!!
The recommitment Police are rolling up on the wagon here tommorow morning, 6.30am sharp!!!:eek::D

Off to bed. Tommorow?....Bring it on!!!!!! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
As I am changing for LT to Cd at the moment have a lull in my commitment....the wagon will be passing by me on Saturday am!! LOL
Oh cheers - needs all the motivation for these last 55lbs!!! thanks!!
Thats the plan!!!