Red Day- Ideas on what to make with these ingredients


Gold Member
I have the following ingredients (can't go to the store for more vegs as stuck inside with the snow), so please give me suggestions on what to make for a Red Day:

Green Peppers
Beef Steaks
Veg Stock
Mushy Peas

Doesn't have to be using all these ingredients, but just some ideas please :)

Would love it if I could make a starter and then a main dish from these ingredients.
Thanks for the help,
Oooo ok, let's see, how about:

Starter - stuffed peppers - roast the peppers and then stuff with the courgettes and tomatoes with herbs and spices, maybe mix with the mushy peas but as I'm not a fan not sure if this would work (would you need to syn these on a red day??)

Main - beef steak with roast veg - roast the peppers, tomatoes and courgettes and onions, seasoned with herbs and have with the steak

I've never really use my oven for vegs, so do you know what temperature I need to have it on for roasting? Also do I just leave them uncovered or do I need to seal them with foil? Do I need to sprinkle with some FryLight? Sorry some of these may sound silly, but don't really do much oven cooking (except for the tandoori chicken).
I just cut my veg into chunks, spritz with Frylight and a bit of seasoning and then whack in the oven (190c ish) uncovered and keep shaking about every 30 mins - they should take about 45mins/an hour! Enjoy x