There is no doubt that red days work. I lost close on two and half stone when I was following red days with the occasional green thrown in when I first joined SW back in 2006, and I did all that in just 3 months, dropping from size 18 to 10 in the process. Which is pretty impressive no matter which way you look at it. Unfortunately due to a life threatening illness, I put back on all that I lost, plus more on top. so in an attempt to get trim again I have been following red days since June last year, but have taken lots of breaks from food optimising, some involuntary due to sustained ill health that has completely immobilised me and some breaks voluntary while on a lengthy holiday to recuperate.
Since June I have lost 2 stone, even though I've only been eating healthily here and there, (and watching my weight spike upwards in between times). But now I want to lose the final 18lbs, so a week ago I restarted food optimising and to keep me focussed started a food diary on here at the same time. I had mostly red days and one green day. By Friday, I'd lost 4.2lbs. I was becoming more and more intrigued by EE and EESP but found so much conflicting and confusing information on here that I decided to rejoin SW, even though I can ill afford it, and find out about the EE based plans from the horses mouth.
Even direct from SW, I still find the EE information quite confusing, but I'm sure I'll get my head around it before too long, especially with the information on here.
I do actually think that, even in the SW books and on their website, some of the information on EE and EESP appears to be open to interpretation. Some points certainly need greater clarification as far as minor issues are concerned. So it is hardly surprising when different consultants give differing information, depending on their particular understanding or interpretation of the EE based plans.
One thing all us 'old school' people must be aware of, is that not only do portion sizes of pre-packaged foods change, but so do recipes, meaning that what might have been free on SW last year, suddenly has syns in it this year; or what may have been a Healthy Extra is no longer viewed as one. Even SW change the goal posts! Per example, when I was a member in 2006, a HEB was 28g of porridge with a Scan Bran. Now it's just 35g of porridge. I guess it all keeps us on our toes and keeps the money rolling in for Slimming World as many of us feel compelled to rejoin to get our brains updated with the new info.