Haha no kids on the horizon yet then? Anything is better than nothing though! You will get back into it! I just think exercise makes you feel so good! Yeah it's hard at the time but afterwards is the best feeling!! Xx
Oh I know! I honestly think getting the personal trainer is the best thing I've done! It's completely helped me get back focused and he's def making me work everything! My arms are sore today from the gym adding to the soreness from yesterday! But it's a good soreI just need to complete crunches, c twists, leg drops and planks and that's it completed! I don't like doing them in the gym cos I make too much noise haha doing the drops and planks! They are hard! X
Haha he has me doing them for 30seconds 45 second break then again the break then again then rest! I don't know how to describe it good but you are on floor like crunches, where you come up from them, you are in that position and you twist your arms to each side working your sides! That for 30 secs break etc! I honestly thought that too, and to be honest he is good looking too so that's even worse! But I just had to do something and really cos he's so nice I do not want to fail and put on any. I was really embarrassed as he seen me in my costume yest as he waited for me at the pool to show me these underwater headphones he was telling me about, honestly just wanted to jump in the pool so he wouldn't see me!! Xx
lolhey Gilly, was laughing at what you just said about jumping in the pool when you saw your trainer ! Wanted to thank you for your lovely words of support on my diary, really appreciate it hun
. I am getting huge amounts of inspiration from you, for all your dedication towards the plan and your hard work. This will help me when I start from next week Tuesday
. I've always done green days because I love my carbs but I'm thinking of going red, I've heard so many people saying the losses are better plus protein keeps you fuller for longer. My only downside is water !! Find it so hard to drink but I need to try at least 2L's a day, I usually only manage 1L a day
. I also hope to start gym too, I miss it. Sounds like your PT trainer is fab ! Glad your losing weight and enjoying the journey, long may this continue ! Wishing you another fab loss this week hun !
Kay xx
Another pound down! Woop woop! 3lbs I'm not thinking il lose much more now!
Yes I had too! Honestly couldn't stop thinking about the doughnuts they needed to be indelible!! Haha!! Xx