Week 3 - Days 3 & 4
Hey All!
Well I've been on plan, no cheats with Thursday being apple and cinnamon porridge, potato and leek soup for lunch and a chocolate carton for dinner. Yesterday I had maple and pecan porridge, spicy tomato soup for lunch and my first powder shake, toffee and walnut. Loved it! It was like sweet, liquid, peanut butter :drool:. My CWPC said it is one of her most unpopular ones! I'll write about today later when I know I've gotten through the day!
I'm loving the tips I'm getting from here... :talk017:
Plum, you're right. If you really want it have it tomorrow. That is such a good idea and backs up the "Not depriving myself, choosing not to", mentality. I don't think I'd get through this if I thought I was missing out on something. Being positive is definitely a must!
Kanga, yep, living in the same few outfits! It's nice to feel them slowly loosening though; and I know if I stick at it I will have the best excuse for the mother of all retail therapy, new wardrobe! I would definitely recommend starting your own diary too. Even if you're typing just for you, it's there for other people as inspiration and you can look back to remember how far you've come in weak moments. Everyone's diary is different!
Hayley & Cupcake, thank you as always. I've not set a target yet apart from a "healthy" (urgh) BMI of 25 which will make me 10-10 (Being in the 10's? Seriously! Seems like a dream!) I'm still researching what I want to do when maintaining but I'm thinking low carb will be the way. Have a search for "broccoli bread" and "eat water pasta" if you're bored one day... I think it's quite interesting!
Exercise...? Well I know it's going to have to be a part of my lifestyle in future, but I haven't figured that one out yet!
As the housework fairies didn't visit last night while I slept, I'm off to do their work...
Stolen Motivation of the (Day before Yester)Day: Just do it, because it may suck not being able to eat your favourite foods as much as you used to, but it sucks even more to be stuck in a body you hate :character00100:
Stolen Motivation of the (Yester)Day: Dear extra fat in my body, you have two options: Make your way to my boobs or get the eff out