Wow! Well done you!! I wish I knew your secret... 6lb is incredible! Xx
hiya......just thought id add to your post if you dont mind, im after some inspiration, i am very new to SW and my 2 WI's so far have been a bit......well.....rubbish really lol......i noticed you have had some fab losses, well done
do you have any tips/advice you could possibly pass on to me ??
without looking at all your diaries right now (have to get ready for school run) could you let me know what you snack on generally ???? i am so trying to make this plan work for me lol...thanks, and well done![]()
Weighed this morning and would you believe I've lost 6lbs! I'm not sure where these big figures are coming from as I eat a lot but there you go. I always weigh several times to be absolutely sure and in the same place. So that was nice news this morning. After tonight am hoping the business will calm down. It is a very busy week in the world of tutoring (final draft folio works due in) so I've been working non-stop. Also (and typically) had a large card order from a gift shop and a couple of commission pieces so this week has been stressful.
Last night was a Body Shop party, I resisted both the wine and the nibbles - I had to plan a tutorial once I got back so the avoided the wine for 2 reasons. Spent slightly more than I had planned though. Tsk.
I am waiting to go on a Snowdrop walk I have organised for playgroup (lots of work for them this week too - it's staff appraisal week and I do them and the paperwork). So I am going to do a quick diary tour now.
hiya......just thought id add to your post if you dont mind, im after some inspiration, i am very new to SW and my 2 WI's so far have been a bit......well.....rubbish really lol......i noticed you have had some fab losses, well done
do you have any tips/advice you could possibly pass on to me ??
without looking at all your diaries right now (have to get ready for school run) could you let me know what you snack on generally ???? i am so trying to make this plan work for me lol...thanks, and well done![]()
Mmm.. your Greek-style salad sounds lovely! x
I'm so so sorry I didn't come back and answer your question camogirl. It's been a frantic week for me. Anyway, I think everyone is different and different things work for different folk but I sometimes like to save my HexB Alpen lights as an end of day thing with an Options/Highlights drink, I always have a choc drink being as I was a chocoholic and I find that works for me and it is something to look forward to.
I ALWAYS have a superfree soup in to have a cup of becasue sometimes fruit just isn't enough so a cup of soup with maybe a Pagen Krisproll as part of the HexB can be much mre filling. I have in the past made homemade hommous which I then have with chopped up veg (carrots, peppers, raw cauliflower). If it is a red day I sometimes snack on slices of ham, or whatever meat I have cooked and if you are really feeling hungry and it isn't just a habitual snacking thing and none of those are working I think I'd have an egg in some form as I find eggs very filling. I think having some of the SW quiche would be quite helpful but I havent got round to making it yet. Oh and bananas - despite the controversy I find bananas a bit of a life-saver.
I'm not sure how much help that is but you can ask any questions you need to about my diary.And once again, my apologies for the delay in my reply. x
hiya, thanks for the reply, im slowly getting used to this sitetaking me a while........
your menus always look very varied, which i think i probably key to not getting bored etc, im seriously thinking of starting a food diary up myself, as im sooooo worried about quantities etc, i know ive not eaten more than usuul in the meal department, but im still not sure if what i eat is too much/too little....
thanks so much for your advice, i have made myself a huge pan of veggie soup, leek, carrots,BNS with mixed lentils/pulses and barely in, very tasty, very filling and as far as im aware "FREE"
thanks again (oh and i just noticed the freind thing, didnt even know this site done that lol.....really should get on here more and "practice")