Sorry!! I am just busy. Have new students starting and all the results in from the last (except one - my texts weren't working for a while). All the results so far have been great. New students mean I've been reading a lot and doing a lot of preparation, also had to make two canvases to order for people, which takes a lot of time. It is my youngest's birthday on Thursday too and I have to make a piggy bank cake for him (by fervent request). My cake decorating skills are not that great so maybe I'll post a picture of it on here if it isn't a cake wreck!
This has been my diary this week:
Thursday 4th August - Green
Breakfast – . bowl fruit – grapes, pineapple, banana
Lunch – . 2 quorn sausage, onion, mushroom, new potato, 1 fried egg
Tea – . lentil bolognaise – choc/cherry muller (2syns)
Snacks - .3 Krisprolls (HexB), 3 Babybel Light (HexA) , Options drink (2), Weetos bar (5syns)
Syns – 9
HexA – .RF cheddar, 3 Babybel Lights
HexB - .Pagen krisprolls, Babybel Lights
Friday5th August - Green
Breakfast – . Pineapple, grapes, half peach
Lunch – . small bowl leftover lentil bolognaise and spaghetti
Tea – . superspeed soup, pasta n sauce, 2 (old style) quorn sausages, watercress – Mullerlight choc/cherry (2syns)
Snacks - .3 x Pagen krisprolls (HexB), RF cheddar (HexA), Alpen Lights (HexB), Options drinks (2syns), cocopops bar (4syns)
Syns – 8
HexA – .RF Cheddar, semi-skim milk
HexB - .Alpen Lights, Pagen krisprolls
Saturday 6th August - Green
Breakfast – . bowl fruit: pineapple, grapes, half banana
Lunch – . Large salad, half spinach and mushroom tortilla (contains some new potatoes, Quark and Cottage cheese)
Tea – . lentil bolognaise with wholewheat spaghetti – Shape 0% yoghurt
Snacks - .4 Pagen krisprolls (HexB and 2 syns) and 2 Babybel lights (HexA), Options drink (2), cocopops bar (4syns)
Syns – 8
HexA – .Babybel Light, RF cheddar
HexB - .Pagen Krisprolls, Alpen Lights
Sunday 7th August - Green
Breakfast – . Bowl of fruit – grapes, pineapple, strawberries, 2 quorn sausages and other half of spinach tortilla from yesterday
Lunch – . small bowls wholemeal spaghetti, with Kerry Low Low spread (HexA) and olives chopped (0.5syn) – banana
Tea – . Chickpea dahl and rice – banana, strawberry and meringue (2syns), Options drink (2)
Snacks - .Babybel Light (2syns)
Syns – 6.5
HexA – .Kerry Low Low spread
HexB - .Alpen Light, Pagen krisprolls
Monday 8th August – Extra Easy
Breakfast – . Pineapple, apple, strawberries, grapes
Lunch – . small amount of left over rice, mushrooms, onions, kidney beans, quorn sausages (old style)
Tea – . Salmon, noodles and tons of stir fry veg.
Snacks - .Highlights dark choc (1.5)
Syns – Weetos bar (5) = 6.5
HexA – .semi skim milk
HexB - .Alpen Lights
Tuesday 9th August – Extra Easy
Breakfast – . fruit salad; pineapple, strawberry, apple, grapes
Lunch – . Superspeed soup, handful wholewheat pasta
Tea – . Chicken, butternut squash Thai curry (9 syns for whole = 8xtbsp light coconut milk = 6 + 3 tbsp Thai paste = 3 syns) so 4.5 at the most syns – with bulgar wheat
(contains other veg and green lentils)
Snacks - .Highlights dark choc (1.5)
Syns – 6
HexA – .
HexB - .