Thanks Everyone. (can't find the "Thanks" button?!)
Well weigh in today was a 1.4lb loss which I am happy with after my blip earlier in the week.
almost out of the overweight range now so hopefully in the next few weeks I'll have a BMI of less than 25.
I tried on a very old pair of jeans today. I used to wear them when I was about a stone lighter than I am now (11 years ago!)

Anyway, when I started out on this diet, I tried them on and I couldn't even get them above my knees!

I can now get them on and done up!

Okay, they are still a tad too tight to wear - if I didn't need to breath they'd be fine, though! :8855: Hopefully in a few weeks they will fit. I should imagine they are "old fashioned" now but it is so long since I wore jeans tbh I'm not sure what is "in" anymore (apart from skinny jeans which I could never wear).
I bought a pair of Sketchers Shape-ups yesterday so walks may prove interesting...
On the Dad front, I've spoken to the docs and they admitted they didn't expect him to make it this far and that he's not out of the woods yet.

Still he IS lots better than he was a few weeks ago, the problem is he hasn't improved over the last 10 days like he should. Hopefully time is all he needs.
Take care.
Red :heartpump: xx