Reena commit to the diet and stop torturing yourself with things you can't have - Dukan becomes easier when you eradicate all junk and stick strictly to all the lovely Dukan food you can have...... Get reading the recipe section and make yourself some lovely food ready to have when hunger strikes - fill the fridge with dukan friendly snacks so you are never caught short when hunger strikes..... I have been going through similar to you after a year of being angelic on Dukan and it is torture when it goes pear shaped - dust yourself off - put that picture of the size 12 dress firmly in your head and don't be swayed - gosh I wish I only had a couple of stone to lose - my journey was a mountain to climb but it is doable and you can do it!!! When the birthdays crop up take muffins with you to the party and have those when the cake is cut - my friends are entirely used to me bringing food to events and in restaurants I am not afraid to ask for exactly what I want and very often they are more than happy with my strange requests...... OUr brain is our strongest tool Reena and you can do this standing on your head..... Go for it and don't give up - it will be worth it! x
Reena, athough this isn't a traditional curry recipe, I found this satistfies some of my curry cravings. I've cooked it quite a lot & have varied the spices that I use to do different flavours. i found it very adaptable. I found it on the recipe thread. Look back quite far & there is a huge variety of spicy options lurking in the recipe thread that can be adapted for personal taste.
keep going on dukan, you will be glad in the long run xx
reena try that mug cake i put on the recipe thread today it is amazing - just like m and s melt in the middle choc cake!
hopefully no more spelling mistakes