tofu can be bought in any supermarket..its usually in the vegetarian section of the fridge
ive been using it cause it looks a lot when its ready and you get masses for 4oz..
and np..i was just teasing xx
right day 5
breakfast: LT chocolate shake
lunch: salmon fillet, 6 new potatoes, 1 spoonful of carrots and 1 spoonful of brocilli (cut the veggies up small so it looks more)
dinner: yet another salad! oaty cottage roll filled with 5oz marinated tofu, warmed in the microwave and 1 tsp no fat mayo - fruit salad with strawberries, half banana and few grapes with couple spoonfuls of very low fat fromage frais and tiny bit of alpro soya plain yogurt
absolutely scrummy!!
im still drinking between 3 1/2 and 4 ltrs of water a day which im not sure is right or not..what are you doing Tracey?
according to my scales ive lost 3lb but ill see what the chemist says tomorrow. i feel like im eating a lot. i know its silly but i wake up in the morning and look down to see if my tummy has doubled in size overnight....!!! its getting used to eating feels so wierd!
h xx