Refeed starts tomorrow. EEEEK!!

Aye up And!

How are you doing today? x x x
Hi Teapot - Thanks for your support :)

Today... Started well.

I had porridge- only 30g this time but it still went over the microwave! Doh! Made it with the oatmilk and it was much nicer. Also had a banana. I think some skimmed milk powder may make it taste nice too but I don't have any.

I've just had a meal of quorn, peas and cauliflower in a spicy sauce with couscous. I ate the max allowed in one meal (according to the refeed) - I should stop doing that as I feel bloated and irritated. Tomorrow I am going to have 75% of what it suggests. The guidelines are not a bloody target!!!!

I'm also drinking pepsi... I promise myself I'll quit again before the weekend but I have to stay awake atm. Stupid, stupid addiction. :(

Have you planned your refeed - you'll need to do it for several weeks as you've been on LT so long.
Oh you're welcome And, have been worrying about you x

Good plan about the 75% - if an hour later you are hungry you could have the remainder if necessary and if you don't need it that's great!

Yep, mostly there with the refeed. Doing days 1-3 and then 4-7 and again days 4-7 same for an extra week making 2 weeks altogether. Crumbs I hope I can do it! Will see how I go from there and how confident I feel. I may do maintenance for a bit after to help me with transition, but won't know until I get there and how I'm coping. I think this is the really scary bit. Really DO NOT want to blow this now but trying to be organised and not panic about it. x x x
Day #6

Breakfast- 30g oats with 250ml of oatmilk and a banana.

Meal - 150g quorn, half a cauli, peas and tomatos in spicy sauce with 1/4 tin chickpeas (no fat added at all) with 4oz of couscous.

Snack - banana sandwich - I did use a small amount of margarine.
I also had 1cm square of dark chocolate, 3 pints (yes pints :sigh: ) of pepsi max... And a couple of pints of fizzy water.

I am going to get weighed tomorrow (day early) - hope it's not too depressing. :argh:
Good luck with WI x x x
Hey and, been reading your refeeding - well done and keep at it, planning is key

How did you do at weigh in?
Wow, was it only April I put myself through all that. I really am an idiot. :(

Well by October was almost the same size as I was in Jan. Clothes were tight again and I started thinking, "you look fat" when I caught my reflection.

My local council are running a free 12wk weight management course I've just started I hope it helps me learn to maintain!

I've done 3 weeks so far and I'm trying to do another 5 weeks on VLCD (exante this time) then maintain! 6 weeks of weight management course after I refeed should help me.

After that they're giving you a month free pass for the sports centre if you make it through the course... I gotta crack this eventually!
Hey and!

Good luck sweetie. It's tough, but you've got to keep fighting and doing the best you can all the time. I'm just back on LT after having a torrid 2 months stuffing my face. 'Fred' out of control but hopefully some sanity and smaller trousers by Christmas x x x
And I am here again! At least I'm only in the 11st now. Small mercy!