Well I'd done 9&a half weeks & lost 29lb, went 2 c Take That on wed & I knew I only had 4 more days til refeed so I bought some chicken coz I started queuing at 3pm & a big bar of dairy milk to keep me going til I got home at midnight. I ate half the bar Stupid!!! The next day I'd lost another pound so u ate the other the half!!! Well then I couldn't stop picking & by my weigh in onsat, the 3lb I'd lost that week had gone straight back on!!! I go to Majorca for a girlie holiday on thurs & if I'd really stuck to this I'd be almost a stone lighter. However I'm in a comfortable 12 & it's gr8 being able to shopping & try on knowing itll fit nicely. I will try & carry on when I get back, at least breakfast & dinner which I'll do when I'm away & as I've stayed away from a camera 4 last 10 weeks I will post some b4 & after pics x