Morning everybody. I've not been about much as the Internet on my dongle has run out so I'm on my phone which is a right ball ache so sorry for not quoting and replying to everyone.
My foot is still giving me grief I don't understand it, it's been ages now. I'll give it to the end of the week then go docs if I don't see a vast improvement.
Now I know last weeks loss was mainly water sneaky peek this morning and I've gained, I've been drinking tons of the wet stuff so think my body is trying to rebalance itself. I've not had any slip ups and I've stuck to my calories. Ah well, just have to keep plodding on and hope I don't gain any more this week, don't want to let the team down.
I've got to go to the job centre today for a work focused interview, which is always depressing. Some jumped up chump in a suit making me feel bad cos I've not found a job yet. It always makes me uncomfortable, feels like I'm back at school in the head masters office or something. I need to find a job where I won't be judged on all my tattoos and piercings. Heh good luck with that!

Anyway moan over, once I've seen that chap I'll be back to my normal self.
Have a brilliant day everyone!! Xxxxx