I love this thread, it's great to hear who everyone is and why we're here

I'm Rachel, 35 from Southampton. I've been doing Exante for nearly 3 months now. Previously I did LighterLife a couple of years ago and lost 5 stone, which I was really pleased with. I've since had a baby, she's now 1 and I stopped breastfeeding just before starting this. I put on quite a lot of that 5 stone whilst pregnant and since, and so decided to start Exante as a cheaper VLCD to help me lose the weight I'd gained, and hopefully lose more.
The goal I've set is to get to 'Overweight', as I don't think my BMI has ever been in the overweight category probably since I was in my early teens. I first put on lots of weight when I was about 12 and in and out of hospital with asthma / on lots of steroids. I really want to get, firstly to overweight, and I'm starting to look at setting a goal to reach 'normal BMI'.
I'm really curious what I will look like, as I've not been at a normal weight since before I was a teenager, so haven't got a clue what shape I'll be or what it will feel like.
I'm really glad that I'm now nearly back to where I was when I lost weight the first time, and just a few more stone to go to get to overweight.
Looking forward to the support we can all give each other in the coming weeks as we all try and shift this weight!