thanks guys yours plating up ?
you poor darling,gosh i feel for you,really i do.
well.....he phoned me last night to tell
me he had no dinner ! said somehow they forgot him,but it diddn't matter,
poor bloke is so out of it on painreleif he's not even wifey went to bed less that happy.
phones me this morning,someone has told him off for not realising he had been missed then moaning about it this morning,now wifey is on the war path

he's had breakfast,and is written down for lunch and dinner.
he could be home today if bloods come back clear enough,now my friends here's where you come in,he will be going back there for the op,so do i whoopass or not ?
i don't expect anyone to be treated that way,ever,but especially when they are in hospital and vunerable.