She came sniffing round a few months ago telling us to cut the grass n asking what our jobs were the cheeky cow ... Then went on to saying she wanted to sell up next year ....... So we're not sure what's guna happen! We feel a bit used tbh coz when we moved in last nov, building work started on next doors extension so they were banging for months and still are, took over our drive for 6months .... Then the other neighbours have just started a conservatory too ... So we get the feeling she's been waiting for their work to finish so she can sell up! .... Again drawbacks to renting, but when it's all you can afford, it's all you can do eh

... Loads of ppl at work younger than me have mortgages ........ Admittedly, had help from parents too ... One young couple we no, both 20yr old were able to put 60,000 on their house .... Eeeeek! We haven't even got 100 quid for a deposit! Xx