Slowly but surely x
Ive gone from a 40E to a 38DD - I hat ethem. I want to be back to 36C, at least.
Had a wobbly day today. I woke up starving (I rarely do on this diet). I should have just ate a bar for a sugar and tummy fill fix but no, I ate two mini pork pies out of the fridge. I am regretting it in one sense because of my weakness but not in another as its my first weigh day back tomorrow and I expect to show a slight gain from when I last got weighed three weeks ago.
My hearts not in it but Im not staying this weight neither. Plus, financially, this isnt working for me. Id like to still have one shake a day and calorie count to 810 on a low fat, carb free diet (not atkins - thats high fat!). Id take vitamin supplements in addition but think Id get that from veg anyway - like kale, brocolli and spinach as well as cabbage and leeks.
What do you think.....any advice? Either way, I wont be on the full CD program from next week as we are bit stretched for cash this month.
Loves ya's xx
Had a wobbly day today. I woke up starving (I rarely do on this diet). I should have just ate a bar for a sugar and tummy fill fix but no, I ate two mini pork pies out of the fridge. I am regretting it in one sense because of my weakness but not in another as its my first weigh day back tomorrow and I expect to show a slight gain from when I last got weighed three weeks ago.
My hearts not in it but Im not staying this weight neither. Plus, financially, this isnt working for me. Id like to still have one shake a day and calorie count to 810 on a low fat, carb free diet (not atkins - thats high fat!). Id take vitamin supplements in addition but think Id get that from veg anyway - like kale, brocolli and spinach as well as cabbage and leeks.
What do you think.....any advice? Either way, I wont be on the full CD program from next week as we are bit stretched for cash this month.
Loves ya's xx