Hi Kristy,
This book is written by a PhD psychologist who specialises in Cognitive Behavourial Therapy. It is a book that step by step helps you train yourself to behave differently. In other words, it helps you to learn how to focus, make better decisions, stick to them, etc. This type of therapy was developed by her father to treat depression. (He was also a therapist - I think he was a psychiartrist, and she may also have a medical degree.) Anyway, Judith used the principles of CBT to help herself lose weight and then tried it with patients. She wrote this book (and workbook) to help others use CBT for weight loss... but not just to lose, but to maintain those losses. It is different that any diet book I have every read -- because it is not a diet book per se, but a book on behaviour modidification using CBT.
Good luck with your weigh in.