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After a chat with a friend, who runs 3 times a week, I am soooo tempted to start! Anyone else out there, that is around my weight that runs?? I have always wanted to be able to run, but never thought I would be able to, as run like a windmill, and unfit!

How did you start etc......know it sounds daft, but I am sooooooo unfit, and when I tried to run once, I had awful shin splints, so never tried again. i am complete and utter novice, so any advice would be gratfully recieved!

I started couch to 5k and love it
It's an app on iPhone and it helps you run in small stages
I was such a bad runner who was out of breath after 1 min
Now I'm up to running for 15 mins non stop and feel like I improve every time
The only thing is I'll only go out in fair weather so it could all stop soon!
If it's any help I started running at your weight. Initially jogging incredibly slowly for 1 minute and walking for 1 minute and built up the jogging part until I was able to do 8km fairly easily - was such a lovely feeling - I always ran first thing in the morning and it was a great start to the day - must start again soon..... Good luck!
I would say go for it. Start slowly and take it at your own pace, don't worry about speed or anything and walking is allowed too!

I didn't start until a year into stabilisation at 10st+ but if I can do so can anyone. I too followed the Couch to 5 K programme, if you don't want an app (I don;'t have a smartphone) you can also download some podcastst (MP3s) from the NHS Choices website which I can heartily recommend. Some of the music is a bit cheesy but it's got a nice helpful training commentary with tips and encouragement.
Couch to 5K - Live Well - NHS Choices

I also read this book - it's out of print but you should find it in a public library:
No Need for Speed: John Bingham: Books

and found it really useful.

I still run 3 times a week and gradually went to running about 6k+ every time though I've cut back a bit recently. However on Sunday I'm running my third charity race in 6 months (Chariots of Fire in Cambridge) and am expecting to finish my 1.7 miles in under 15 minutes. I also did Sportrelief 3 Miles and Race for life 5k.

Finally - don't expect the running to necessarily speed up your weigh loss. You'll get fitter, and your muscles will get stronger and more toned though.
Fantastic, wish i could just get started.....
thanks for all these links, I actually managed to download the podcasts to my phone, and i can play them if I go the long winded way to them, but can I heck as like remember how to transfer to a playlist LOL, new phone and all that. LOL
'get running' is the best!
Well, am going to do it!!!! Off to get some trainers today, nothing crazy expensive, but I only have converse or uggs! Then Sunday is my start day!!!!!! Thanks for all your ideas and suggestions! xxxx
Great stuff - good luck and keep us posted. There are also useful forums on the c25k website I linked to earlier.
After a chat with a friend, who runs 3 times a week, I am soooo tempted to start! Anyone else out there, that is around my weight that runs?? I have always wanted to be able to run, but never thought I would be able to, as run like a windmill, and unfit!

How did you start etc......know it sounds daft, but I am sooooooo unfit, and when I tried to run once, I had awful shin splints, so never tried again. i am complete and utter novice, so any advice would be gratfully recieved!


Hey hun, I'm around your weight and am week 3 into the c25k podcast. I've just donned my trainers and about to go out. On my first session I was so out of breath I couldn't wait till the minute was up. Tonights session is running for 3 minute intervals and I feel like I could run a little longer. I am not running very fast but can highly recommend the nhs podcast... keep us posted x
I did it, bought my trainers...(did go to a proper shop,as have funny feet, hips etc), and I start on Monday! Trying to fit it around my nights, and kids as hubby off to Afgan tomorrow! Will let you know how it
lovelyzobo said:
I did it, bought my trainers...(did go to a proper shop,as have funny feet, hips etc), and I start on Monday! Trying to fit it around my nights, and kids as hubby off to Afgan tomorrow! Will let you know how it

Fab! Which ones did you go for. I need to get some ASAP. As my shins were hurting yesterday :eek:s
In my previous life (before kids), I was a runner. I need to get back into it and have considered the Couch to 5k plan...I've heard that it is excellent. Good luck and have fun!
STPT said:
In my previous life (before kids), I was a runner. I need to get back into it and have considered the Couch to 5k plan...I've heard that it is excellent. Good luck and have fun!

Something is in the air because I've downloaded the C25K app today. Personally, I blame Lotto and Becky for all the infectious exercise talk ... ! :D

P x

PS - note I said I've downloaded it, not actually started it ;)
Pauline - last year I got the shoes in the sale in about May but only got round to starting in about August. Go for it when you're ready! these things take time....

I'm running the Chariots of Fire Charity Relay tomorrow with a team from work and apparently I am the fastest runner in our team (Senior women's team) - that does not say much because I'll probably do the 1.7miles in just under 15 minutes which I think is quite average. The team that wins this race will probably do it in half our time (usually a team made up of trainers from a local Fitness Club)! I.e they will have finished well before I even get to set off (I'm the last one to run). Anyway we've raised 175 for two local charities and that's the main thing!
I started c25k with my children last week, (aged 7&11) They loved it, my 11 yr old was even doing star jumps in between the runs. I hated every minute of it but felt great after each session. Week 2 starts today and am scared as i had to really push myself on my last run but i'm not giving up!!!
tryin again said:
I started c25k with my children last week, (aged 7&11) They loved it, my 11 yr old was even doing star jumps in between the runs. I hated every minute of it but felt great after each session. Week 2 starts today and am scared as i had to really push myself on my last run but i'm not giving up!!!

Well done TA! :D

P x
Woke up to calf pain this morning. They feel really really tight. Any suggestions? :( just googling some stretches... I'm such a novice!
Woke up to calf pain this morning. They feel really really tight. Any suggestions? :( just googling some stretches... I'm such a novice!

What kind of surfaces are you running on, and also do you have a decent amount of support/cushioning in your trainers?

I think when you first start it's usual to have a few aches, but it shouldn't be really painful.
right just ordered a new pair of running trainers off ebay! when they arrive i am going for it at the mo just easing myself into it gradually jogging round the block and a bit of interval jogging /running round the park! i want to be more toned and fitter ... wish me luck! i am liking the running gives me time to think!xx