Ruth Elizabeth's Final Stand

Aww hun i know it's horrible when you haven't weighed in a while and then have to face it but take comfort from the fact that you will never see that number again and you are doing something positive about it :)

Hope the class tonight goes well x
Thanks Lisa, I was just amazed and horrified because I didn't think I was that big!!!
Thank you I am very excited to see what's happening and get sorted!

How are you doing?

Well, I went and I signed up! Got weighed and it was what I thought although I couldn't stay for the meeting so I'm going back to her other class tonight to attend her meeting! It was very good. A little group but everyone is lovely!!!

So glad I bit the bullet and did it :)

Onwards and upwards

Well, I did it and I can't afford it :( the shopping is extortionate so I'm going to have to leave it until next month and calorie count in the mean time... Doctor threatened to put me on orlistat yesterday too. Forgot how much money moving house was....

Not feeling good at the minute..

Hope you don't mind but I've subscribed to your thread! I can relate to an awful lot of what you said in your first post so even though I'm doing a different diet... I'd like to know how you're getting on and spur you on if I can!

I know what you mean about diets being expensive, all the fresh fruit/veg and meat really adds up... that's without the cost of classes etc!

But, it might be worth popping into lidl/aldi to stock up on the fruit and veg on offer... and if you're looking for easy low cal meals at a reasonable price whilst you're in limbo... Iceland have got Weight Watchers meals on offer for 75p atm!!

Anywho, best of luck to you on your weight loss journey! YOU CAN DO IT!!
