I have also made the decision to try and go low carb from next week too! I have a very busy weekend with friends etc, I am going to have a look at my food diaries to see if I could cut my carbs out on my UPs although to be honest I don't actually eat a lot!
I am intrigued regarding what doing an ID instead of an UP does so it should be very interesting next week!!!
Watching my carbs is for me the single most important factor.
Like Rebekah I try and keep carbs below 50g on DDs and below 100g on UDs. DDs so far have been 25-40 and UDs 60-80g. I also do my running and strength training on UDs, with just a walk or a bit of swimming on DDs.
Breads my downfall. I don't eat pasta or rice, cakes or biscuits etc, But I NEED my bread so I limit myself to max 1 slice of wholemeal multiseed a day.
Hi Ruth I am aiming for something similar , not bothering about the carbs but I want to find my maintenence cals for my tues thurs UP days, I will leave my DD s unchanged and so too my weekends as I love having the weekend off but I know I eat too much on my UPs so starting tomorrow I am going to limit myself to 1500 and see where I go from there, hopefully I should have a sts, then theoretically lose following my DD fri but of course this is all theory but thats part of the excitement. Ideally I would like my plan to be M,W,F DD Tues and Thurs as maintainence level whatever that turns out to be then UP S at the weekend. In theory I should lose at least a 1lb a week without worrying about a STS but unless I try it out I will never know. Really hope you see a good loss tomorrow as that will back up my plan and of course be brilliant for you xx