Had a lovely day today in the end! Had some yummy garlic bread when I got home and then then some Chocolate Orange too

cravings on TOTM hee hee!!
Looking forward to tomorrow and I also finished my OU essay which was great!
I'm realising that I actually enjoy my calorie counting days more than my UPs as I feel like I'm forcing myself to eat!!! I loved the garlic bread but I didn't really want it!!!
Anyway! 206 calories under my 2122 today which I don't think has ever happened but I feel content! To be honest I'm completely shocked as when I'm on TOTM I usually want to eat everything. Hee hee
I'm a bit worried though and it's ruining my appetite! Got to go to hospital on Thursday as I have massive pain in my right ovary and the doctors are concerned so I have to go for a scan and I'm frightened as to what it could be but there are many worse things happening in the world at the minute so I shouldn't be worried about it
Yum Sunday dinner at my OHs dads tomorrow