awww sweetie so pleased you talkedBelieve me we've had our moments we've been married 24 years this year... drives me insane at times, but you did the right thing discussing it . Now I am sure you will have a far better weekend
and you get to leave your job this week to
Doh! I just realised that I was on my own diary - it's been a tough few daysI was having a blonde moment I think - no offense to any blondes on here of course xxxxxx
Have a fab weekend away hun, you deserve it. So glad you got things sorted with hubby, and that he is now seeing the error of his ways. I am the queen of being skint at the moment so I can totally relate to eating things that are already in the cupboards - I'm quite proud that I've only spent £15 in the last two weeks on groceries and that included deodrant and conditioner which I now consider luxuries!!!
Looking forward to seeing your photos when you return.
Hope you get finished nice and early today and that your boss gives you a nice bonus as a leaving gift... Maybe not then...!!!
Thanks for being a fab support to me the past couple of weeks too xxxxx
Aww thanks Mav, you're more than welcome.
I will be finishing early - no question! Don't think there will be any bonus on offer though - ah well never mind eh at least I'm out of here.
Will report back on Monday with hopefully at loss at lunchtime wi. Body magic all weekend and syn free food - that's the plan anyway.