Slowly Shrinking. Yay!!
Thank You Sue
Yeah Im So Determined! I Know Im GOing To Do It!
That Is So Very True. Ive Just No Long Turned 19. Yes Im Losing Weight, So I Can Be Happy And Thin, But The Worst Thing Is, There Is A Shop Over Here In NZ Called Supre. It Goes To L.. Which Is Really Like A 10. All My Friends Go There And Shop And Its So Guttering When I Know I Cant Fit
That's the spirit and when you are slimmer you will feel like a totally new world has opened up to you.
When it comes down to it we only come this way once and therefore we owe it to ourselves to enjoy our one life to the absolute maximum so why spend it unhappy and miserable? If we can change it so that we live it to the full, then gawd knows why it sometimes takes a whole lifetime for us to learn this most valuable lesson? If I can pass on any lessons I have learnt throughout my lifelong battle with my own weight, especially young girls such as yourself then my main tip would be to stop seeing food as either your friend or your enemy. A little of what you fancy in moderation is ok but just don't overdo it and set yourself personal limits like your favourite takeaway on a saturday night or a bar of chocolate now and again and when you have such things enjoy them with a clear conscience and please don't feel riddled with guilt and go on a huge eating binge for the next few days! That is the kind of silly thing I used to do as I felt I was wrong to have any of the so called 'forbidden' foods and if I did, I would take the attitude of "oh I've done it now so what's the point?" and then I would totally lose control! This time I know whatever I do has got to be a total lifestyle and attitude change and since working on these areas I have found I have a completely new and healthier approach to losing weight and I don't care how long it takes me as I am not in a race and I will get there eventually I just know I will!
Good luck!
I think a shop which labels size 10 as 'large' should be closed down. Boycott it. Size fascists! Not everyone is built to be a size 10, that's just ridiculous.
Everything in moderation sounds so easy doesn't it - but it is surprisingly difficult to stick to.
Good luck to everyone - and give the Bio-oil a go -