Saltdog's Magic Shrinking Formula

Ok if I'm a cheerleader do I get supplied with pom-poms. I want to do it right!! Anyway well done on staying 100% and doing all your challenges. Looking forward to the piccies of the finished garden wall. It would certainly be a lot of BM digging the founds by hand. Hope you're having a good day. :)
As it was piX who suggested the cheerleading I propose that it's her who sorts the pom-poms. Although I do remember many years ago when I was just a wee fella in school that we learned how to make mini ones using a couple of pieces of card, cut in to large circles with a smaller circle cut out in the middle, and wrapped round and round with loads of wool. Then you'd cut the card out and lo and behold you'd have a pom pom!!

I've just read the above paragraph back to myself. It's a good job I'm semi-anonymous on here!! I really can be quite rugged and manly - honestly. :rolleyes: I do intend to build a wall by myself after all. Can't get much more manly than that! I'll probably even show the crack of my ass when I bend over to pick up a block!! Now that's a real man!! Lol. Seriously though, I will be more than glad to post some photos when I eventually get the thing finished. Hopefully it won't be too long away.
:woohoo: amazing loss, hope this week's is equally as good
Cheers Em!! Fingers crossed for a good week this time too indeed! Mainly, I'm hoping for a great improvement on the doctor's scale tomorrow. Does anyone know if it will make a huge difference if I don't eat until after my appointment tomorrow? The physical weight of food is bound to go on when you eat it but it's probably negligable enough that you wouldn't even notice. The amount of water I drink will probably make more difference. Oh well, I'll just take it as it comes and see what happens. X
I have a bit of a smile on my face at the moment. :D:D:D I've just been to the evil doctor and been passed for my medical with no restrictions. The evil doctor has now officially become the really nice, sensible and fair doctor. Lol. As soon as I got it, the paperwork went in the post and I should have my ticket revalidated within the next two weeks and find out when I can get away on the new job. Fingers crossed it's quickly.
I have a bit of a smile on my face at the moment. :D:D:D I've just been to the evil doctor and been passed for my medical with no restrictions. The evil doctor has now officially become the really nice, sensible and fair doctor. Lol. As soon as I got it, the paperwork went in the post and I should have my ticket revalidated within the next two weeks and find out when I can get away on the new job. Fingers crossed it's quickly.
I was wondering how you were getting on so that's great news. No more hurdles for you for the new job. Just a matter of time till you get your start date. Excellent. :)
brilliant news :D xx
2lbs on this morning but I was out for a bar supper last night and felt especially ravenous after moving a few tonnes of concrete around my house in order to pour a foundation for my new retaining wall. That stuff is heavy!! Anyway, it's obviously done nothing for my weight loss so I'm going to call it a skewed result this morning. Next week I'll be back to a loss. If I don't I'll need to set myself some kind of forfeit. Any wild ideas?!?!?

It's Friday and I'm looking forward to a quiet weekend. I have nothing arranged and nowhere to be. I might start building my retaining wall if the weather improves a bit. Fingers crossed I manage it ok. I've never laid a brick in my life so it could be a steep learning curve. My hands have probably gotten soft from mostly working in an office over the last few years. Time to man myself up again. My concrete work last night was a good start.
That gain is probably going to be undigested food from last night at a guess and I really do think it'll be gone by next week :D

Forfeit wise I have no idea :8855: Pix and PP we need help on a forfeit!!! ;)

Hope the weather improves so you can make a move on starting the retaining wall
lol emmy, he should know better than to offer that up as a challenge for us !!! We'll have to think of something devilish for him...but not so bad that he'll actually want to be naughty!! lol

i agree though, that's last nights meal still in you and it'll be gone in a day or so. Back to a bigger loss again next week ....especially if you're humping more concrete and bricks about. Have a great day xxx
:8855: I can't wait to see what you come up with. I have no imagination so can never think anything like that up :giggle:
Oh goody forfeits let me have a think. :sign0151: This might take a while to come up with something good. :) Might need to see if you've been good over the w/end or not. No point in spebnding time on something that won't be needed.

Your gain is just your big meal from yesterday amd possibly some fluid from the muscle strain too. :)
Ooh, fluid from the muscle strain? I've not heard that one before but I think I'm going to have to remember it. I do have a feeling that I may live to regret suggesting forfeits though!! :eek: I'll just have to make sure that I lose weight next week. You ladies all appear to have an evil streak in you when it comes to making a fella suffer! I don't want to be on the receiving end of it. Every incentive helps in the overall scheme of things though!!
hahaha ..... and I found the pompoms girls !! :party0011: