Hey Crystal - yeah I am fine. Not posted all week as took the week off the diet whilst on holiday but back to work today and back on it!!! Had too many social events, people staying over etc and found kept stopping and starting the diet so was going through the first couple of days, then adding a meal then restarting and wasn't really that in to it to be honest!
But, back to work today and diet is to recommence! Have Georgies birthday party on Sunday but to be honest, not going to come off the diet for that (original intention was to come off it so could share her birthday cake!).
So, back to square one but feeling really positive about it again - think the break did me good!
Cross trainer has arrived safe and sound so exercise regime also to start today which I am also surprising feeling positive about! Although if I can't walk tomorrow I may have second thoughts on that score!
Goal now is to get to the end of the month on TS and re-evaluate then whether to continue with Exante or change to the fruitarian diet for the last stone (which my Mum and Sis are doing and are finding it really easy and with the same (or more) weight loss as Exante). Anyway, that is for consideration in June - for now I shall continue with my water consumption and try to get through this week!!! LOL
Hope you are well! Must try to catch up with everyones diaries at some point this week - not had a chance to log on much last week!