Sammeh's Diary

Sounds like a good start sweets :) yay! Let's have a good busy 100% weekend.
getting figgety and craving something, anything will do at this stage!!!! - hubby gone to get me a bottle of water instead!

Eyes on ball Sammy, eyes on the ball! I refuse to go into the kitchen, but bibsies lunch smelled soooo good I could easily have eaten it all up!

Amazing how sometimes all you need to do is have a look on here and all the tickers going madly towards goal to remember why you are doing this and, more importantly, that it can be done!

So half way through day 5, tomorrow will be easy enough as being stuck in a car kinda limits the opportunities to stare longingly at the fridge!!

Hope everyone is having a good day.

going good - worked through the craving hours by doing the ironing - LOL, if nothing else this diet makes you houseproud!!!

Asked hubby if I could eat tonight and his response was "no way, there is no way I am going through last week again, you were awful, and you know you will just hate yourself!" Looks like I don't need a conscious after all, hubby seems to be fulfilling that role quite nicely!

Well, we are off of a road trip tomorrow so if I don't get to catch you in the morning, have a great day!

Love S
Aw well done sweets, brilliant! My hubby says the time lol. He doesn't want the return of the psycho b****! lol.
Enjoy tomorrow, well try to! X
Well done it seems to be going so well :)
lol, yeah, psycho beeeatch made an appearance this week but think I have safely packed her off for a ong break with Craig!

Another pound gone today - woohoooo! Long may this continue (although I am aware the fast losses will slow down any day now).

Well, coffee and then to pack up my coke and water bottles for the journey.

Have a lovely Sunday everyone!

Day 6 done - am absolutely knackered so off to bed in a sec.

Today was quite tough as we went out for lunch with Unc B and Grandma and I had to sit trying to feed the bibsie and smelling everyones food - funny how at the time I thought it was really hard and had a real inside struggle to remain chipper and happy and join in the conversation but now, looking back, I am like, well, that wasn't so bad really - it was only a couple of hours after all and I survived.

I think next time I just need to fast forward by an hour and know I can get through it - hopefully then it wont be so bad!

Hope everyone had a great weekend - off to bed now so will try to catch up with the weekend and goings on tomorrow.

Good luck girls with your weigh ins tomorrow - am excited for you all to hear of the losses this week!!!

Love S
Well done Sam, that must have been tough but you got though it :) ur strong! New week from tomorrow, we can do this easy! :) night x
funny how at the time I thought it was really hard and had a real inside struggle to remain chipper and happy and join in the conversation but now, looking back, I am like, well, that wasn't so bad really - it was only a couple of hours after all and I survived.

I think next time I just need to fast forward by an hour and know I can get through it - hopefully then it wont be so bad!

That's so true! I need to remember that on days when I want to give in. It's never as bad as we think it is, and as you say, in an hour, it's passed.
So, Day 7 of restart has finally arrived! Feeling thin and positive so far today - hoping the mood stays put for the rest of the day!

This is my first Monday in the office for over 13 months - don't Mondays suck!??!!!!

Weekend was a whirlwind of activity - it is amazing how much you can fit into a couple of days when you are trying to avoid the fridge!

Have been weighing myeself every day since the restart and updating ticker etc daily as motivation to keep going through the "dark times" when my inner biatch teams up with Craig and creates havok for the diet and generally makes my husbands life hell! But goal for this week now is to wean myself away from the scales - only weigh in every other day perhaps - to stop this becoming an obsessive habit! So might have one last sneaky peaky on Wednesday before the official Friday weigh in and then no more til next Tuesday! Well, I can but try! If hopping on scales wards off any desire to stray from TS then I won't fight it!

Well, work beckons. Have a wonderful morning all and catch up with you later.

Yes a week Sam that's bloody brilliant, you're in the zone, you're unstoppable!
ey up chuck!

not bad - major headache today - had to go and track down some pain killers in the office!

back home now though, just had second shake - going to make a soup and pour me a lovely pint of pop - hopefully will feel a bit better then - oh, and still got my cuppa tea to look forward to, I am not sure I will be able to control my excitement this evening!!! LOL
LOL, is it sooo wrong that my Mum gave me 5 of her left over bars this morning and it made me sooo happy as I had ran out! I can now have my lunch time bar as usual for the next week!

Well, tis Day 8 and 19 days left of the 27 day challenge! Have been reminded my best friend 40th party is on the last day of the challenge so I am actually now going to finish TS on 4 June, and then AAM from the Sunday to the Sat (when I have a dinner date with my hubby!) and then on 12 June decide whether to continue TS or switch to WS.

The days seem to be getting easier - definately a lot better than I was feeling last Wed/Thursday that is for sure! No energy surge yet, in fact I am really struggling to get up in the morning and am sleeping like a dead log - completely out for the count for at least 8 hours each night! Hopefully the energy surge will make an appearance at some point this week!

Well, best crack on with work. Have a lovely day peeps and will check in again later.
