So jus taken lucas to school and was yesterday I was speakin with his teacher and he is doing welll gettin better with tellin the teacher if something happens instead of jus bein rough! So anyway at the moment there. Are kids who are 4in his class going up in september llucas doesn't go up until september 2014 so anyway lucas and a lil boy called Evan dnt seem t get on evan is older and evan was givin real horrible looks and lucas. Was about t move away this morning when. A lil boy called Noah rugby tackled lucas to the floor

lucas instantly cried so I picked him up and said t Noah that's naughty that's not nice. At all! And I only bloody started crying it broke my heart! So some of the other. Mums are like we will wait for. U outside!
I calmed lucas down and lucas's teacher got Noah in the thinkin chair I explained to lucas how ur feelin now is why were not rough with others and his teacheer was lovely sayin u. No he doesn't hit as. Much anymore he knows to tell the teacher ect!
It was so hard t watch and I'm still teary about it now I'm so protective of him of cors I am his my baby. And it is so hard to see!!
They're only young and. They are still all learning aren't they, but when he knocked him over I wanted t throw that noah out the bloody window!
I no he doesn't get on with Evan and I. Am glad he is moving up in September coz he scares lucas which I am going to have t bring up when I have lucas first parent teacher morning on tuesday! They dnt get on simple not everyone in life does get on but I want them t keep an eye out coz evan is older than lucas and if he is makin lucas not want to go to school I want that looked at!
As for noah I said t lucas u dnt b horrible t noah mate it was. A naughty. Thing to do but jus remember he said sorry!!
All I'm going to think about for the next 3hours now is this!
Its so hard to think does no one like lucas, are they all picking on him and there not and I am not sayin lucas is a saint coz he can b a right lil bugger and rough!
I no at 3 as well they dnt really make friendships its not until 5/6 the teacher said u see friendship groups formin but its. Jus hard t think someone is being horrible t the most important person in my life!