:wave_cry: hi
Sorry i havent written in a few days!
So i will start with monday! we went t our friends for a bonfire dint we! well lucas loved the fireworks so that was a plus

although when we got home i got a txt from my friend sayin she was bein sick she must of picked up a bug!! so monday night i was worried one of us 3 would get it!!
Food for monday 5th november
Porridge, Semi Skimmed milk and chopped banana 7pp
Morning snack
2melba toast 1pp
philly 2pp
3 eggs 5pp
mayo 1pp
ww pitta 3pp
onion 0pp
crisps 2pp
apple 0pp
Dinner - so we went to dinner at our friends....it wasnt right nice at all!!! so i have pointed maybe half of what i ate n over pointed a lil..
mince and sauce 6pp (there was hardly no sauce all water..)
spagetthi 4pp
Salad 0pp
when we come home we were starving.. carl made pizza n chips so i jus made SW chips 7pp
1 ww cookie 1pp
38 points used 4 dailies left over
so yesterday..woke up feeling so sicky and i am angry coz i thought if i have got that bug i wud b fuming jus coz that wud mean lucas wud end up with it...as the morning went on i felt better thank goodness! i told my mum and shes like u sound pregnant to me!! im not!!
2x crumpets 5pp
butter 2pp
we then took lucas to Eureka he loves it there

Jacket pot 6pp
cheese 4pp
bacon 2pp
colslaw 5pp
salad 0pp
2 quality streets? whats that 2pp/3pp
then we went to the inlaws and they all had a chinese which smelt amazin i had a mouthful of carls and 2 chips!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
m&s cajun chicken pasta meal 11pp
ww mash 2pp
babycorn, broccoli, green pepper, onion and garlic. 0pp
oil 1pp
WW ice cream 4pp
and wine!! 19pp
so used all 42 plus 19 or so more yesterday

so not a good day