Morning ladies...happy saturday
lucas slept in again today (seven oclock for lucas is like an hour lie in!!) so very grateful and feel a lil better today! yesterday it was one thing after the other! me n my mum had a fight and it was my fault i was talkin about my dress and said that i rung and my dress isnt in the shop yet but sud be soon and that it needs to b paid within 7days of bein in! So mum jus shouted and said well it wont be paid then will it! and it really upset me but she had other things on her mind like her husband in hospital so it was really poor timing from me!!
She rung yesterday afternoon to give me the news about Andy and then said sorry which i did to and she is like jus sometimes Sam i have other things other than ur wedding on my mind! She said Andy said i am to call you and say not to worry your dress will be paid! which i dint think for a second it woudnt be but when she said it i rung my brother like u might have to lend me this money which he said he would

but we made up anyway!
then one of my friends is having trouble with another one of my friends which is really hard then my cousin coursing trouble it jus really was one of them days!!!!!
least me n mum are friends though thats all that matters! But do u no what it made me reaslise yesterday through the tears and monain about friends n stuff Carl is truly amazin listenin givin advice jus cuddling me and take the pi5s out of me (which make sme laugh) i jus love him so much and i am so lucky to have him! we may not b the richest ppl in the world but our lil family is amazin i cant wait to get married now.... i jus hope i have a dress to get married in lol!!!!
Anyway today were off shoppin with the inlaws! before i started WW i wouldnt have anything to eat before we go so i wud end up eating a greegs while we were out of share some chips with carl! no more!!
food today
muesli 6pp
milk 1pp
apple 0pp
2xpoached eggs 4pp may have 3 eggs yet depending on how hungry i am!
1slice toast 3pp
butter 1pp
i dnt no what i will b havin for dinner tonight its normally something 'naughty'! so will update later

going to stay off the wine again tonight as nxt sat lucas is stayin out so im going t have a bottle of wine then me thinks
