ProPoints SammieAnn's WW Food Diary - Count down to Wedding!!!

naughty girl! ! step away it won't make you feel good. just sweep this weekend under the carpet and focus on Thursday xxx
Morning gawjus ladies

So lucas is back at school today :) took him this morning he was so excited!

food for today
mueseli 6pp
milk 1pp
banana 0pp

apple 0pp

lunch (cheese n cornbeef toastie!!! yehhhh budddddddyyy)
2ww bread 2pp
butter 1pp
cheese 4pp
cornbeef 3pp
onion 0pp
boiled egg 2pp
carrot n cucumber sticks 0pp

crisps 3pp
pineapple 0pp
grapes 0pp

quorn mince 100g 2pp
pasta 70g 7pp
ww med sauce 1pp
passata onion garlic peppers babycorn green beans 0pp
30g cheese 3pp

ww pudding 5pp

i feel so much better using more points on dinners! last week i was drinkin about 6/7pints a water a day so going tp up it this week!
Another person who is super excited for summer!! Xx I used quorn mince last week, added grated carrot to it, bloody lovely xxx
i tend to just make chili but i get bored with quorn xxx
Yeah I just make chilli with it too... I have a bag left in the freezer and once that's gone I don't think I'll ever buy any more.

I do like the peppered quorn steaks though, they are yummy x
I been the same I think ill lay off it a while x
Love the stuff haha I eat it for nearly everymeal.

I just treat it like regular mince.

So spag bol
Cottage pie
Meat balls
Yum yum!
Well I dint have it last night! So I'm going t have it tonight and I'm thinkin of having it with maybe jus some passata spices and veg n pasta but I dnt no if I fancy it now :( I have had it in the freezer since november and I jus kkeep putting off having it coz I dnt fancy it at all!!
I might jus bin it or give it to sally(she loves it!)

I have woken up this morning with such a sore throat :(
Well I dint have it last night! So I'm going t have it tonight and I'm thinkin of having it with maybe jus some passata spices and veg n pasta but I dnt no if I fancy it now :( I have had it in the freezer since november and I jus kkeep putting off having it coz I dnt fancy it at all!!
I might jus bin it or give it to sally(she loves it!)

I have woken up this morning with such a sore throat :(

oh no its awful I had it last week. shoo to the cold. im in agony still with my back I didn't sleep well x
ahh hun get lucas t school and get tucked up. plenty of fluid and paracetamol and try and atay awau from the halls they are a point a sweet lol it will pass xxx
I have had a few tablets n feel fine now :)
Food today
Cereal 6pp
Milk 1pp
Banana 0pp

Toast 2pp
Pate 3pp

Pitta 3pp
Tom sauce 1pp
Cheese 3pp
Salad 0pp
Tuna 2pp
Mayo 2pp
Sweetcorn 2pp

Pineapple 0pp

Chicken 4pp
Pasta 4pp
Chilli and garlic sauce 60g 2pp
Garlic bread 5pp
Veggies 0pp
I have had a few tablets n feel fine now :)
Food today
Cereal 6pp
Milk 1pp
Banana 0pp

Toast 2pp
Pate 3pp

Pitta 3pp
Tom sauce 1pp
Cheese 3pp
Salad 0pp
Tuna 2pp
Mayo 2pp
Sweetcorn 2pp

Pineapple 0pp

Chicken 4pp
Pasta 4pp
Chilli and garlic sauce 60g 2pp
Garlic bread 5pp
Veggies 0pp

Morning lovely!

Erm... tomato sauce with tuna salad in a pitta? Really?!!!!!! x