Well i had a word with lucas's teachers this morning and jus voiced my concern about lucas n his ear so they said leave it with us! Jus been t pick him up and the parents no and like i said i never wanted the lil boy t get into trouble i jus think they sud no!!
Anyway his teacher went on to say his had a great day he hasnt been naughty and she has had t say his name once!!
And he also learbt today that blue n yellow paint makes green

im so proud his doin this with teachers he really is gettin a really clever lil boy!
Todays food
Breakfast (rather big i was so hungry this morning)
3x crumpets 1 with butter 2 with peanut butter and banana 13pp
Cheese 30g 3pp
Cajun chicken seasonin mix 4pp
Chicken sausages rice 17pp high points but worth it
0/49 weeklies
We go awayfor the weekend.on the 25th october.
Theres 6 of us goin for 2 nights (cnt remember last time i left lucas for 2 nights

like mum said we dnt do it often and it never started as a two night trip but we cnt travel all that way t cardiff sat morning we wouldnt b there in time so hense two.nights stay ) The friday were stayin in a travel lodge in tewksbury then sat go on to cardiff! The boys r goin t watch the rugby england vs australia and bein northern lads they love there rugby league!! The openin ceremony starts at one i think so they wanna get there in time and us girls are goin t do some xmas shoppin then a night round cardiff saturday night!!
I will prob drink vodka prob with coke... Or might have wine.n soda!
I am really lookin forward to it jus dnt wanna go majorly off scale.. I no were off t frankie n bennies.for dinner on.the sat night eeekkkk