Mondays here again!!!
So today I've been pretty housebound as a carpenter is doing some work. But did manage a little walk to the shops and doctors for my jabs. (Apparently I wasn't immune to rubella after my jab at school. Didn't find out til I was pregnant!).
I got a bit creative...
If any of you masterchefs out there can help me with this and improve it I'll be grateful, but as it stands it was pretty yummy...
I made fish cakes!!
I'm quite an amateur so please don't laugh...
I cooked a white fish fillet - that was 100g before cooking but afterwards it was 50g. Damn it I could've had two! Mistake number one

I boiled up some swede chunks - was 140g pre-cooking. (Probably 100g-120g afterwards).
Beat one small egg.
Chopped up a little bit of parsley and onion.
Mash up the swede.
Flake the fish.
Pop in bowl and mix altogether with some salt and pepper. Make into patties. (I made three big ones!)
Mistake number two - I used a bit too much egg as I chucked it all in - but was nice!
Frying pan with some fry light spray. Few minutes each side and voila! Fishcakes!
I served mine with a side of spinach.
Would have loved some ketchup!
They were yummy and filling! Just not sure if it needed a bit of je ne sais quois?!!
Could've done with a bit more fish really as I accidentally conned myself outta that! Although I guess the egg mistake makes up for that!
Any tips guys?
Cor I'm stuffed and now have a messy kitchen to sort! Ha ha. Wish I'd made a batch of them now!
Hope everyone else's Monday is going well! Xx