Here's a bit of midweek cheer-
Last night I decided to have a read through my diary (-yes allll 43 pages!!) as I wanted to see how far I had come so far with my thought processes, motivations, philosophical bursts(!), happy moments and struggles.
Firstly I want to say a huge Thank You to you guys as I truly believe I wouldn't have got this far without these forums and your support.
Now here's some fun - In true XFactor style I decided to highlight some of my 'best bits'... Really made me chuckle!
I'm not going anywhere by the way, as I still have the rest of the yellow brick road to follow before I get to the wonderful Oz!
Obviously they're out of context but you'll catch the drift....
We've planned our baby group mums Christmas night out at the end of November!! - am hoping to be significantly slimmer by then!! Please please please please!! It's just under 11 weeks away!!
I don't know if its because I'm busy looking after my little one or what, but so far I'm happy with my progress. It's been hard avoiding the sweet things - which only goes to show that it's not hunger that makes me want them - its greed.
Before this diet, even if I wasn't hungry I could still demolish a mountain of chocolate.
I'm hoping I can change my eating habits once I'm at target and change the way I perceive food.
I'm good with portion control on my main meals, it's all the snacking and boredom eating inbetween. I couldn't just have an afternoon cuppa - it had to be an afternoon cuppa with biscuits or cake.
If I met my friends for coffee I always had to have something with it.
I hope I can change these habits.
Anyway - to add to what I'm looking forward to:
Throwing away my frumpy fat clothes and not keeping them 'just incase' - there's no 'just incase'. I will get to target and maintain. Not keep my fat clothes just incase I lose control. If my new clothes feel tight then it means I need to slim down again to make them comfortable.
Cake will always be there. I can very very occasionally treat myself to cake once I'm at my target weight... But until then, bye bye cake..... hello Truffa bar!
On a plus note, every time I picked up my baby girl today I kept telling myself that that is the amount of weight I've lost! I got back on the scales while holding her and it took me back to my starting weight. Really drummed it in.
Some of the cupcakes looked so pretty, but I told myself I'd have one another day as its not like all the cupcakes are going to disappear once this diets over!
Day 19 then = hungry but happy! - my pre-pregnancy jeans are falling down now!
*happy dance* - even though the happy dance makes my jeans fall down and shows off my big knickers!!
Right today I took my baby swimming - well, I say swimming but it's obviously just splishing and splashing around with her for 15 minutes!
It was horrible horrible horrible putting my swimsuit on - but I have come up with the following conclusion - if you walk slowly towards the pool you not only look confident, you don't draw attention to yourself, and you're less likely to slip over. If you walk fast to the pool, your fat jiggles and you're more likely to do that mini slip trip try to save yourself with a little windmill arm action and then once steady go a nice beet root red. It's a minefield but I think I've cracked it! Lol
My tummy growled - actually growled at me in a really loud angry way! So embarrassing! Especially as my sister heard it and was obviously thinking it's silly being on this diet if I'm starving!
Definitely straight back on it! I've had my taste of the dark side!
But also, do you know what, although I imagined angels to start singing as soon as I bit into the cupcake, actually nothing happened! Weird.
I enjoyed it. But it wasn't quite the revelation I built it up to be in my head! Think that's the point really - ooo watch out I'm getting profound now - I guess I put food on too high a pedestal. It's food at the end of the day. Food. That's all.
Winters fast approaching and I'm getting rid of my fat stores - I must be mad!
Thank you! I've had plenty of wobbly days where I could have happily shoved my face in some cake! But am happy now that I resisted!!
Today I bought a size 12 dress!! Ummmm!!
"Would you like the hanger?" Damn straight I'd like the hanger! - I'm gonna frame that flippin hanger!! Gimme gimme gimme!! beaming smile!
I invite you guys to have read through your own journeys, however long or short, so far and see what things kicked you up the bum at the start and how far you've come.
That first 'best bit' was written back in September and the girlie night I'm talking about is this Friday!! If I get down to 10,7 that will be an absolute mega 3 stone off!! I never dreamt I would have got into the 10's back in September!!
So let's get climbing this midweek hill and slide down the other side! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!
Happy Wednesday Everyone!!