Right advice needed:
So now I'm getting to that stage where I have just under a stone to go until my goal. I know it's going to come off slower and I know it's going to take some time time too (especially as I have a few planned days off coming up).
But my goal is set in my head and whenever I get there is fine. Also I'd like to refeed from this diet properly WITHOUT it being for some planned special event. I want to end this (when at goal) on a simple random day. Nothing planned. Nothing to tempt me back into a whirlwind of eating and carbs! As that seems to be what happens when I stop for a 'break' - as it's always for a special occasion.
Anyway, that being said...
I'm now getting these comments and would like a polite but effective response.... Help.....
"Surely you're stopping soon!"
"You're not STILL dieting are you?"
"But you look great as you are now"
"Why are you trying to lose more?!"
"There'll be nothing left of you".
"You're silly trying to get down to 9 stone"
"9 stone! That's ridiculous"
That's the general gist. And as you can see, they're not really questions, they're statements.
I'm starting to wear smaller clothes that show off my figure more because I do genuinely feel happier. But I'm not totally happy as I want to get to my goal. There's still weight on me in places that I want to get rid off. And clothes really do hide a multitude of sins! You choose a good flattering outfit and you can hide a good stone of weight very easily!
If I don't do this now and get down to my goal then I never ever will. This is my chance just to get to it. And then learn how to maintain (which is another waffley blab that I'll do later!)
I've tried explaining this but I almost feel embarrassed (?) - hmmm, I dunno if that's the right word.
I feel almost like I want to go back to keeping this diet a secret as now it's all out in the open and I'm receiving compliments - which I'm sure most of the statements above are trying to be - it's just frustrating me hearing it.
Cor, that sounded ungrateful - I didn't mean that.
Ummm, if anyone is on my wavelength and gets what I mean I'd appreciate advice on how to deal with the comments.
It's not what they're saying, it's the 'way' they're saying it. Like they want to stop me. Or they now think I'm going to suddenly become anorexic. I dunno. It's a strange reaction.
(As for the maintenance side - I do have an eating disorder - I overeat. Eating disorders aren't just about people starving themselves or making themselves sick. I am a binge eater. I have a ridiculous mentality when it comes to chocolate. And absolutely no control whatsoever when there's chocolate in the house. I haven't learnt my lesson at all. Not at all. I can honestly say that if there was a tin of chocolates in the house I would eat them.
I've talked to hubby and I said I think I need a bit of therapy to train my brain because I'm now happier and healthier in my body. But my brain hasn't changed. And I know with the flick of a switch I could gorge on food if it was in the house - only chocs or biscuits. No other food bothers me. He said we'll never have them in the house, but that's ridiculous, and unfair on him and Eden. - but anyway this is a whole different scene to analyse once I'm at goal!! I'm not sure I'm ready to dissect my brains bad behaviour with chocs yet!).
Cor that was a ramble!
Bit much for a Saturday morning I know

Sorry guys!!