Sammysmiles 2nd attempt at Exante

Just noticed that it's not 0.4 of a pound, it's 0.2! What's that, 200 grams? Oh Lordy :)

I know what you mean about ham, I slow cooked gammon for the boys yesterday, I shred it the drizzle maple syrup on it. It was all I could do not to shovel a few pieces in but I need to stay strong and not spend a week teetering on the edge of the 11 and 12's. I want to be well into the 11's

Just tried an old skirt on from All Saints in a 12, I couldn't even get it past my thighs let alone my hips. That will be my testing skirt, I'll try and get it on each week until it hopefully fits.

Urgh, why do we do this to ourselves!! :(
Hi Sammy! Just subscribing hoping you get the loss you want!

I noticed you said about wraps, I've used two so far and I think they've been good whilst I'm on Exante - I've had a good noticeable difference :)
Good going Sammy. That skirt is going to come in handy :).

Do the wraps help with cellulite or is it just fluid that they remove? x
I would say yes but only over time. I always advise body brushing upwards in a circular motion to help but I think some women are prone to it. No matter my size I have never suffered from it but my friend who is (and always has been) a lot smaller than me has it on the tops of her legs and it's never shifted.

100% day today :) feeling proud but very cold! Roll on Monday, how's everyone else getting on?
Thanks Trying Hard, had another naked weigh in today and I'm 11.12.8! I think I'm losing a few hundred grams a day, pah I hope I magically see 11.10 on Monday but I think it may be 11.11 at this rate?

Today I am wearing skinny jeans and a skinny Tshirt, it looks good until I sit down and my roll appears :) but the roll is shrinking which is good as it couldn't have got any bigger. I post a pic of my starting roll later, yes I took a picture of it ha ha
Looks pretty horrific doesn't it!


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Ps on the left are my breasts, my tummy is on the right urgh
It's looking bad but a lot better than it did 11 pounds ago?


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It's looking bad but a lot better than it did 11 pounds ago?

We should start a thread comparing the sizes of our rolls! Mine is bigger that yours, nah nah ne nah nah! LOL. ;)
Ha ha, I know. I took some photos of me the car before I started Exante, at my worst possible angle. In reality I probably look like that at every angle :) I have more damning pictures of me though, I will post those when I (hopefully) look better
Okay, me at my most (recent) heaviest 13.4! And now at 11.12, I think my face has slimmed a little?


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You can definitely see a difference in your face! And you're also very pretty :) You'll be at 11.10 before you know it x
I'm going to my brothers on Saturday now, getting the boys measured for suits for his wedding. He asked what we wanted for tea, I've asked for Coke Zero. He said he'll make a salad and we'll have to make do with diet coke, I'll be sewing my mouth up then. I've asked Mr Sammy to make sure nothing passes my lips but Exante and after weigh in on Monday (if I get to 11.10) I will have a low carb treat meal.

Grrrr, obstacles at every turn!

A little incentive goes a long way?
Thank you Sheridan, I do wonder what I'll look like at 10 stone? It's been a couple of years since I saw that. Back to digging in my photo files :)
Here's me at 10 stone, I want to get back there :(


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Last one, here is me at my biggest..... 16 stone!


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I don't think you look 16 stone in that photo! You look great in the photos where you are 10st! You can do it, you're so close to the 10s :D
My knees used to ache when I walked, it was a really big weight for me but I slimmed down to the 10 stone pictures then back up to 13.4. It took a couple of years to get back up but I love food so very much. I make my husband monster portions then pile my plate up just as high. I always have to think about my portion sizes and get used to the fact that I can't eat whatever I want whenever I want it.

It's so hard to be a woman :)
Okay, me at my most (recent) heaviest 13.4! And now at 11.12, I think my face has slimmed a little?

You definitely can see a difference. Your chin and cheek bones are so much more defined and it's taken 10 years off you. That's the other thing about weight, it does age you. I know I looked lots younger last time I lost weight.