I did see giant stockings in Aldi yesterday, but they were £6.99 a pop! So I would aim for Poundland/B&M/Home Bargains/Wilko. Wilko even have some of their stuff in the sale at the moment.
We always get new pjs for Christmas, and my nana always got my mum and I new pants. No nana now, so I will get my mum some pants, so she doesn't have a cold nakie bum in the new year
I really miss not being a grandaughter anymore
One drunken year, I remember leaving Santa a garbled note, combined with an egg, can of coke and a parsnip I think - couldn't locate the mince pies, carrots were already prepped for the next day, and mum had snaffled all the sherry.
As a kid, I remember being confused as to how Santa got in, as we didn't have a chimney. But we were told not to worry, Santa could squeeze through key holes. I have since discussed this with friends who also lacked chimneys, and they were told Santa had keys for every house - now why didn't my parents think of that!