& knowing Sarah , thats how she would want us to be
Yes, I think so too.
It's hard right now, though, isn't it?
A friend of mine just sent me this - I thought it was appropriate to post it here.
You can shed a tear that she is gone
or you can smile because she has lived
You can close your eyes and pray she'll come back
or you can open your eyes and see all she's left.
Your heart can be empty because you can't see her
or you can be full of the love you shared
You can turn your back on tomorrow and live for yesterday
or you can be happy for tomorrow because of yesterday.
You can remember her and only that she's gone
or you can cherish her memory and let it live on.
You can cry and close your mind, be empty and turn your back
or you can do what she'd want: smile, open your eyes love and go on.
If the truth .. the brutal honest truth be known - I kinda buried my head in the sand a little with this. I'm terrified of cancer. In the last 8 days two people I know have died of cancer.
I had a discussion with another Miniminer in respect to contacting Sarah only last week. I distinctly remember saying words to the effect of "I don't feel it's right me bombarding Sarah with text messages, she's a friend whom i made via minimins, but I don't feel it's my place to be texting her when she's so ill. She has her family and close IRL friends around her -she's not well, it's not my place to me/ Minimins will probably be the last thing on her mind". Sarah had been on my mind because two days previous I had someone else die of cancer ... but I truly felt out of order to overstep my place.
Coming back to Minimins has reminded me what an absolute gem of a person she was - we need so many more people like her around.
Even though I've not been around here much lately she used to correspond with me and yes the time she took to reply to my PMs was and will be always cherished.
I remember saying to her once that I wished she lived closer to me or vica versa ... and those sentiments really do still ring true. I remember the last time I saw her, she gave me a big hug and kiss - those Minimins meets really do have a purpose don't they!
I am so so very very sorry she's gone - I feel so sad she had a bum deal with relationships (ironically finding closure a mere few months ago), I feel bad she'll not see her nephew who she doted on grow up. There are so many many things Sarah posted about and mentioned to me that makes her sudden and premature passing all the more unfair, darn darn.
I can only imagine the devastation her family are feeling right now .... what I think or feel is a drop in the ocean. I'm thinking of them and hope and pray they can get through the tough times ahead.
Rest in peace Cariad ...... I really hope you can hear me say this to you. You REALLY REALLY REALLY will be missed in life.
As usual cc you have put it so well. You have said everything I have wanted to say but haven't been able to find the words
Much love xx
Fantastic post CC. Until this very minute I forgot about that night we met up in Glasgow for dinner and made the waiter take our photo so we could send it to her lol. I remember when I sent it her reply came back almost instantly that she SO wished she was there with usxx
If the truth .. the brutal honest truth be known - I kinda buried my head in the sand a little with this. I'm terrified of cancer. In the last 8 days two people I know have died of cancer.
I had a discussion with another Miniminer in respect to contacting Sarah only last week. I distinctly remember saying words to the effect of "I don't feel it's right me bombarding Sarah with text messages, she's a friend whom i made via minimins, but I don't feel it's my place to be texting her when she's so ill. She has her family and close IRL friends around her -she's not well, it's not my place to me/ Minimins will probably be the last thing on her mind". Sarah had been on my mind because two days previous I had someone else die of cancer ... but I truly felt out of order to overstep my place.
Coming back to Minimins has reminded me what an absolute gem of a person she was - we need so many more people like her around.
Even though I've not been around here much lately she used to correspond with me and yes the time she took to reply to my PMs was and will be always cherished.
I remember saying to her once that I wished she lived closer to me or vica versa ... and those sentiments really do still ring true. I remember the last time I saw her, she gave me a big hug and kiss - those Minimins meets really do have a purpose don't they!
I am so so very very sorry she's gone - I feel so sad she had a bum deal with relationships (ironically finding closure a mere few months ago), I feel bad she'll not see her nephew who she doted on grow up. There are so many many things Sarah posted about and mentioned to me that makes her sudden and premature passing all the more unfair, darn darn.
I can only imagine the devastation her family are feeling right now .... what I think or feel is a drop in the ocean. I'm thinking of them and hope and pray they can get through the tough times ahead.
Rest in peace Cariad ...... I really hope you can hear me say this to you. You REALLY REALLY REALLY will be missed in life.