sarah1984's diary

I love Waggamamas!!! my fav is the chicken chilli men which is only
9 1/2 points

There used to be an online eating out guide someone created with waggamamas on it but it no longer works :(

At least you had a treat and you can always pull back those extra points :)

From what I've found to calculate it by it puts me 4 points over so I'll pull them back by Monday easy! [she says... ;)]
Yes you will missy!! ;)
Love your confidence Vicky! :rolleyes:
Hey missy - u' ll be fine. That's the beauty of WW!!! I am currently trying to save some pts for Indian this weekend.

You have the same starting weight as I had!!!lol
Good luck hun xxx
Ok, so what I've already had today and what I've mapped out for later pulls me 1 point back from yesterday's Wagamama's adventure! Only 2 more to go! And 2 days until weigh in! EASY... :D lol

Hope everyone's ok...
sounds like your doing well, im new to ww but from what ive read on here you can go over a little bit then pull them back over the week, i think thats great! at least you can have the little treat and eat out with friends etc without feeling your being deprived x
Yeah, I think that's what I love about WW too Nettie... Treats with friends during the week because I'm working this weekend but normally its treats when I see the boyfriend at weekends... He's pretty understanding though and knows I'm done for the week so I have to behave at the weekend :cry:
Pulled back another precious point today. Just 1 more tomorrow and I'm completely level for the week!
Well done on pulling back another point, I'm sure you will be level soon!
Got level last week. Just weighed in on the way home from work.


Down 2lbs...


Well happy...
Here's to another week!
It's Indian this week, cooked by a friend from work at our bosses house! I can be good... Honest...
Off work today! Day off because I worked all weekend, which is lush and I definately need it but can't sleep. Bugger.

But being at home with food is hard work! ARGH...
Well done on the 2lb loss!x
Thanks Lozbo!
WellSWell done on the 2 lbs x
Well done Sarah thats fantastic!!! I hate to say i told you so when it comes to you pulling the extra points back. You done it yipeeee

2 lb off is fabby and it just goes to show you can have a treat so long as you point it.

Yeah, ok Vicky... You were right!
Let's hope it works again this week... I seem to have something social every week now until Xmas and New Year! Not so good for the diet...

Hope all's good with you too...
yup doing really good today altho thats me just managed to eventually eat my brekkie as i had to take my step dad to look at cars and was rather rushed this morning.

Im having a good day today and im feeling slim so im mega motivated.

Like you theres a few things coming up thats food and drink orientated but im just going to try make good choices (fish and veg ect) and voddy with diet coke should keep me ok.

Hope you have a nice day today xxx