Sarah83's Food diary and ramblings...

Hi Sarah83, It's my first time on MiniMins and your post has leapt out at me. I, like you, have done SW several times in the past, but am really determined to give it a good crack this time, and decided that having casually following this site, I'd sign up myself and create a profile/get posting. Will be following your journey as I tentatively start mine! Sophie x

Hi Sophie!
You sound very determined so I hope we both succeed in following the plan together.
Do you go to a class or just do it from home?

Let me know if you start a food diary, I'd love to see it. Good luck!xx
Yesterday's food, not 100% but I'm pretty pleased with my choices considering I was travelling all afternoon and didn't get home til 9.30:

Tuesday 16th September - Mix2Max

Breakfast (red): in hotel : scrambled and poached egg, bacon, mushroom, tomato, fruit salad and yoghurt

Lunch (green): vegetable chilli and rice

Dinner: (red): chicken shish kebab with salad and EL mayo (no pitta)

Snacks: bag wotsits, Nutella to go, strawberries and FF yog, glass of rose wine
Wednesday 17th Sept - red

Breakfast: Porridge (HEXB&A), blueberries

Lunch: Ham, mushroom & onion omelette & salad

Dinner: Sausage casserole (1.5syns), cauliflower, broccoli, green beans

Snacks: pineapple, apple
Just made some mini quiches for snacks, yumyum


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Thank you. I just kinda made it up with what I had in. So I chucked some chopped spring onion, pepper and ham in a Yorkshire pud tin. I then poured in a mixture of 2 eggs and a spoonful of cottage cheese and baked until cooked.

My favourite ones are using ham to line the tin before pouring the filling in, but you really need the cheapy thin square slices of ham for that which I didn't have.
Thursday 18th Sept - EE

Breakfast: Porridge (HEXB& part HEXA), blueberries

Lunch: 2 mugshots

Dinner: Austrian ham and potato hash (from latest mag - absolutely delish!), fried egg

Snacks: Milk for coffees (part HEXA), mini quiches, brown sauce (1syn), apple, pineapple, orange
Well weigh in this morning - and I stayed the same.
To be honest I'm very pleased with that, I only had 1 100% day which was yesterday. I was really worried it would be a gain. Trouble is I'm pretty good at sticking to it during the week unless I have a change in routine, which I did this week.

My aim for next week would be to lose 2lb which would bring me to a half stone loss overall. We're going on holiday in just over 2 weeks and I won't be sticking to it then (although I'll try and rein it back a bit!) so everything now is damage limitation for then!

I've done my meal plan for the week, and the Tesco delivery is coming later this morning as I'm working from home today (that's going to be fun with these crazy kittens!).
My target is to have 4 really good days (Mon-Thurs), and for my meals to be good over the weekend but with a few cheeky glasses of wine and maybe some choc thrown in.
Friday 19th Sept - Red

Breakfast: WM roll (HEXB1), Quorn sausage, brown sauce - 0.5syn

Lunch: Trout salad, EL Mayo - 1 syn

Dinner: Chinese :-(

Snacks etc: Milk in coffees (HEXA2)
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Today's lunch (shared with the cats!)


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Feeling slightly guilty about last nights Chinese that wasn't supposed to happen. On the plus side (not for my purse) it wasn't very nice so I didn't eat much


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Discovered this morning that the hardest place by far to go into when you're trying to be good is Gregg's. There's temptation everywhere, I could have eaten the shop! I resisted though and picked up the bread, gingerbread man and sausage roll for hubby and daughter. But those pasties and cakes sure did look good!

Here's a pic of today's lunch: scrambled eggs on toast with salad


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Well done on resisting! just a heads up, the sausage rolls are about 17 syns each and the cheese & onion pasty's are 19.5 each... quite high but ok if you fancy a treat :) xx
Well done on resisting! just a heads up, the sausage rolls are about 17 syns each and the cheese & onion pasty's are 19.5 each... quite high but ok if you fancy a treat :) xx

I knew everything would be high but it looked and smelt so good! I'm quite pleased with myself as I could easily have said 'sod it, it's Saturday' but I didn't! Trouble is I would have wanted a pasty and a cake ;-)
Saturday 20th September - EE

Breakfast: fruit salad
Lunch: scrambled eggs, WM toast (HEXB), Flora lighter than light - 2 syn, salad
Dinner: spaghetti, meatballs, tomato sauce, salad, Parmesan (HEXA)
Morning everyone!
I've made the most of the morning and by 9.30 I've prepared today's picnic, made hubby's tuna pasta lunch for next 2 days, made a huge batch of cauliflower dhansak for my lunches and the freezer, and prepared a beef brisket and veg in the slow cooker for tonight's tea. Phew!

We're off to a local fruit picking farm today, hopefully to pick up courgette, beets and a Halloween pumpkin, and maybe pick some runner beans, and let Bella have a good play while we enjoy our picnic x
Sunday 21st Sept - EE

Breakfast: none

Lunch: picnic: mixed salad with olives (1 syn), HB egg, leftover meatballs from last night

Dinner: slow cooked brisket, Roast potatoes (HEXB for olive oil), veg, gravy (4 syns?)

Snacks: ice cream (shared between 3 of us): 4 syns?, red wine ;-)

Tonight's dinner: first time I've slow cooked a beef brisket, amazing! Only £4 for the joint and we had some leftover too


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Monday 22nd Sept - EE

Breakfast: Porridge (HEXB&A)
Lunch: cauliflower dhansak, rice
Dinner: Salt & Chilli chicken, SW chips, cabbage

Snacks: FF yoghurt, leftover beef from last night, grapes, 2 glasses wine - 12 syns
Tuesday 23rd Sept - EE

Breakfast: Porridge (HEXB& part HEXA)

Lunch: Cauliflower dhansak, rice

Dinner: Singapore noodles with pork and prawns

Snacks: Milk in coffees (part HEXA), apple, small slice birthday cake - 10 syns, 2 glasses of wine - 12 syns :-(
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