Not had a great week this week...
On Tuesday I started lightly spotting (sorry TMI), so I went to the docs tues afternoon who said it's probably nothing to worry about but recommended I went in for a scan.
I was in a pretty bad state tues and wed, thinking the worst. I perked up then on Thursday, as it's quite common for women to spot early in pregnancy, plus it wasn't heavy and I wasn't having any pain - all good signs.
Anyway my scan was yesterday afternoon, and because I'm so early they had to do an internal scan (eek!). She basically told me I'm measuring a bit early - more like 5 weeks, and because of this could only see the egg sac and yolk.
This was reassuring - at least everything's in the right place! And I've got to go back in on the 14th for another scan when they should be able to see the baby and check if everything's ok.
So i took today off as holiday - I've been feeling exhausted and been getting headaches (due to the worry no doubt) so wanted a good few days of complete chill out.
I'm not out of the woods so just going to try and relax until the 14th when fingers crossed we'll see our little bean and a heartbeat.
Sorry - long post!