Sarah83's New Diary

Hi there, mother care have got really nice clothes, I like h&m stuff but it's more casual and next maternity trousers are the ones that fitted me best. I would say wait closer to the time and even if you don't really need it at the time you could wear it all along your pregnancy (I'm a specialist at finding convincing argument to spend money!!!)
I have to say, it does sound like you want a new dress more than you're concerned that you'll need a maternity one by 16 weeks ;)
I say go for it, it's an investment after all, you can get at least another 10 pregnancies out of it too :)
Ok Ok I just want a new dress!!
But that's exactly the style I want anyway... so I guess if I can't find a non-maternity one then I'll have to get a maternity one lol!
Although I did have a nose on New Look's range and they've got some lovely... and more importantly cheap stuff so will probably end up venturing on there.
I know it sounds silly but as it's still early I'm not ready to start thinking about buying for the baby yet, so I am overcoming my desire to shop by thinking about things for me instead!

Hubby was so sweet yesterday - he bought me a load of treats from John Lewis as an early Valentines pressie - all from the Bert's Bees Mama Bees range:
- Cocoa Butter Belly Butter
- Massage and body oil - for mum and baby
- Peppermint and Rosemary leg and foot cream
Bless him, he can be so thoughtful when he really puts his mind to it!

Oh and drama last night at 3am - mystery cat was at the top of the stairs fighting with ours (along with typical cat-fight screams)... just what you need when you're trying to sleep!
** Must remember to hoover all the cat fur off the stairs and landing tonight **
Feeling a bit sick today so not sure if all will go to plan...

Tuesday 1st February - Green

Fibre Plus

Pasta, Salad veggies, FF fromage frais & red pesto as yesterday - 1 syn

Quorn Pasta bolognese
Cheese - HEXA

1 x Decaf coffee - 0.5 syns
SF Squash
Poor kitty, being followed into the house by a bully! I get all protective of my cat when he's staring out another cat in the garden and OH has to stop me chasing the other one away saying he's big (fat) enough to fight his own battles!

That's such a thoughtful gift from hubby! I love Burt's Bees (and they are one of our biggest customers at work, so help to pay my wages!), I always slather on their hand salve before I go to sleep, I get such dry skin. it smells quite strong, but feels so luxurious :)
Firstly CONGRATULATIONS :happy036: on your wonderful news!!!! Awwww, am so pleased for you hun and chuffed at how quick it has happened for you too! How you doing off the wine ha ha??? :D

Secondly, your diary is looking great – some lovely ideas for me to nick!! ;)

Hope you’re well and pregnancy is treating you good! I shall be here more often now we are finally online at home with our brand spanking new ipad! (woo hoo!!) x x
Not had a great week this week...
On Tuesday I started lightly spotting (sorry TMI), so I went to the docs tues afternoon who said it's probably nothing to worry about but recommended I went in for a scan.
I was in a pretty bad state tues and wed, thinking the worst. I perked up then on Thursday, as it's quite common for women to spot early in pregnancy, plus it wasn't heavy and I wasn't having any pain - all good signs.
Anyway my scan was yesterday afternoon, and because I'm so early they had to do an internal scan (eek!). She basically told me I'm measuring a bit early - more like 5 weeks, and because of this could only see the egg sac and yolk.
This was reassuring - at least everything's in the right place! And I've got to go back in on the 14th for another scan when they should be able to see the baby and check if everything's ok.
So i took today off as holiday - I've been feeling exhausted and been getting headaches (due to the worry no doubt) so wanted a good few days of complete chill out.

I'm not out of the woods so just going to try and relax until the 14th when fingers crossed we'll see our little bean and a heartbeat.

Sorry - long post!
The 14th is my birthday!!! I will keep my fingers crossed for you until then, but I think it's a great sign that they could see everything where it should be in your first scan :)

Have a restful long WE. A relaxed mum is the best environment to grow a little'un :)
My sister just went through exactly the same thing. She had some bleeding, went for an internal scan, 5 weeks so no heartbeat yet, she has just gone back and is now 9 weeks and everything is fine. I know it's a terrible time and I'm sure the next 10 days will drag but keep a positive attitude and I'm sure all will be well. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you honey x
Sorry to hear about your problems Sarah, try not to worry too much (I know, easier said than done!). As the others said it happens to a lot of women so don't think of the worse. You're right to take some time off you need the rest xx
1.5lbs off for me this week... Believe me I haven't been eating remotely on plan (been having terrible food aversions - there's not much at all I fancy - and I've gone off all meat completely), it's because I haven't been eating much at all!

Going to make a big vat of potato and leek soup today in an attempt to get some fresh veg inside me...
Really hope all is ok lovely! Stupid to say buy make sure you get lots of rest and waited on hand and foot ;)

Take care xx
Thanks hun. Hubby is really looking after me bless him.

Had terrible nausea today, been there pretty much all day - bleugh!
And I'm totally off my food - I can't even watch saturday kitchen because everything makes me feel sick!
I'm hoping this will only last a few more weeks - I need to start eating properly again!
I found the best thing for me was sipping Ginger beer, full sugar proper Ginger beer. It really helped to ease my sickness. Oh and Nairn spiced oat cakes
Thanks hun, I read Ginger was good... Can't stand Ginger beer though!
Feel better today - not as nauseous.
Hubby's just given me a lovely back massage - I've had a niggling ache in my lower back on and off since before I found out I was pregnant - it's starting to annoy me now as I'm finding it really difficult to get comfy - lying or sitting down.
Having another chilled out day - stayed in bed catching up on boardwalk empire this morning, then just watched a couple of dr who's and hubby's on his xbox now. Really fancy going out for a walk to stretch my back out but the weathers yucky!
Mmm just been out for a nice walk along the river and Sunday dinner - still didn't fancy meat so had veggie sausages with all the roast trimmings instead. Mmm was really good - the first proper meal I've had in days with real fresh veg lol! Hubby has promised we'll try and do it every weekend
What a lovely hubby you have!! :)

Gald to see you are getting some proper nutrition inside of you - it's surprising how much fresh food can make you feel so much better!

Enjoy the R&R while you can and again, everything crossed for you for next Monday hun x x
Thanks hun, I really appreciate your kind thoughts.
I'm trying to stay as positive as I can. Deep down I know everything's ok, plus my symptoms have been much worse the last few days and that's got to be a good thing!